Regarding DRAGONS SANCTUARY's boycotting Week 13, War 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by starry_night, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. It seems that DS' boycotting the war 6 of week 13 has drawn some attention, especially from ppl not knowing us well. In order to avoid the misunderstanding, I'd like to make an explanation here.

    There was only one reason - to make a clear statement that we are boycotting and will continue to boybott any unfair matchups till devs stop ignoring all the feedback and provide matchups that won't determine the outcome of wars just by pure strength. It's not against any rival clan in particular. I believe not a single reputable war clan wants to have easy wins just by outpowering the opponent. We all want to try our best for the victory through fair matchups. But devs keep ignoring our requests, so we have no choice but do something unusual hoping to draw their attention so the same won't happen again in the coming s2.

    Why I say this was an unfair matchup? First let's take a look at the data comparison below between DRAGONS SANCTUARY and Clan A.

    29 ppl
    No lber (No. 1 not even close to ally lb 700)
    Total CS: 353,841,396

    Clan A
    29 ppl
    Two ally lbers (ally lb 52 and ally lb 191) plus another 3 ppl with much more BFAs than our no. 1
    Total CS: 431,166,112

    BFE wise, since most of the players in Clan A are from _RCA_ or -RCA- in season 1. _RCA_ and -RCA_ did well in the last season. By checking their war history, you will have an idea of how good their bfes are. At our side, we had a couple of players with only eb equipments. So it's fair to say BFE is comparable. To be more exact, our total bfe was 8539 mil and Clan A's total bfe was 9104mil.

    So when being outgunned by 80mil more CS and tons of more BFA, I don't think there is any we can do to overcome the disadvantage. Some ppl may ask, without trying, how do you know you can't win the war? Well we have tried and it has proved that it's beyond our capability. We are just humans, not god. Week 11, War 5 is an example. We lost to Chaos Reborn when we had 332mil cs with no lbers while CR had 421mil cs with one lber (ally lb 33) and another two with much more BFAs than our no. 1. That's 90mil more cs plus tons of more BFAs. We lost by 7bils in the end so from the plunder score, devs may think it's a good matchup but the truth is we were all sat on in the last 15 mins while CR didn't use all the xtals. The war outcome was already determined irregardless of the plunder score.

    The gap in strength for war 6 was even bigger and we all know how experienced Clan A is, so it was a hopeless mismatch for us.

    Some ppl may also think that we only fight the wars favoring us. This is not true. The following data speak for all.

    War 5: DS vs S.O.T.R.A.
    29 ppl, 358mil cs, no lber

    28 ppl, 329mil cs, one ally lber (ally lb 92), one with more BFAs than our no. 1

    War 4: DS vs Chaos Reborn
    29 ppl, 339mil cs, one lber (ally lb 68)

    Chaos Reborn
    29 ppl, 413mil cs, one lber (ally lb 35) and one with more BFA than the rest but prolly less BFE. (I don't have time to count all of them so this is just my guess.)

    War 2: DS vs -DeVast4TioN-
    29 ppl, 334mil cs, one lber (ally lb 68)

    29 ppl, 347mil cs, two ally lbers (ally lb 91 and ally lb 102)

    War 1: DS vs -DeVast4TioN-
    29 ppl, 304mil cs, no lber

    29 ppl, 341mil cs, two ally lbers (ally lb 91 and ally lb 102)

    As a matter of fact, we seldom got a matchup favoring us but we're willing to take any challenge as long as it's within a reasonable range.

    I've been sending the feedbacks in the last few weeks about the uneven matchups including the one favoring us and the ones not but it seems devs still didn't consider to narrow the gap in cs and bfa to provide more reasonable matchups. It seems the matchup system is pretty random now. Sometimes it's fair and sometimes it's totally out of control.

    I'd like to make it clear that we will continue to boycott any unfair matchups before devs seriously consider to change what they are doing right now. Sorry for any inconvenience caused to our rival clans. We know it's not your fault and we have all our respect for you. We all love to war. That's why we hope through our endeavor, a better matchup system will be brought in for season 2 to encourage more clans to join the wars instead of forcing more and more clans to quit warring because of the unfair matchups. Thanks for your understanding.

    Thanks for all your time.
  2. I don't think this will change anything with the devs.
  3. DS: 1 attack, 1steal....did you surrender??? Or I'M wrong
  4. /applaud
  5. I regularly war in a clan that has had some bad matchups. IMHO I don't think boycotting helps. As these are test wars you are essentially removing data from the devs to analyse. And as far as I can see you didn't boycott when you were the bigger clan. Just when you were smaller. Which is pretty poor. If you choose to war you should fight. Perhaps instead of sitting there like a dead fish you should have contacted the other clan and offered a no mith cast fight or something in between. You get your with back anyway through tvp. And you committed your xtals when you signed up.
  6. To follow on from my previous post. Did you guys boycott any unfair matchups when you were the significantly bigger clan?
  7. They need a real person to go through the match ups before they are official. Some of the match ups you've had I don't think anybody could disagree, that they were complete and utter failures as match ups. I don't know whether they've tweaked something, but lately a few match ups have been less than fair.
  8. Support when clans are mismatch both clans should not war
  9. There lbers cant hit most of your members anyways.
  10. If you're are matched, you can beat them
  11. Ogres, you don't have any of there data. How can you tell if one side was outmatched or not?
  12. First, we didn't start vp after the war if you haven't check the eb history. Second, as I've said clearly, we seldom got unfair matchups favoring us. So far only one against DF would be considered as one. And in that war, we didn't use all xtals to maximize the mith payout. We will consider to boycott those too if we are lucky enough to get another mismatch favoring us. Being stronger in a reasonable range is considered to be fair to me as many other wars we were weaker but in a reasonable range.
  13. I could go through their war history and spend my time counting up the differences. But that would be a futile exercise as kingdoms grow and allies get traded and equip gets upgraded.

    But I don't need that data. My point was:

    1) I don't think boycotting helps anyone
    2) if you are going to boycott. You should do it when you are the bigger clan too. (Which I don't.think they have done. But did ask them to clarify)
  14. Prolly but we still have to try something. The last thing we want to see is EE wars are going dead since we all love to war.
  15. Everyone would have to stop EE for the devs to notice
  16. One other concern I have is your data covers only part of the matchup factors . You are only counting cs. You are missing out bfe. And when you talk about lb players they could be on the lb with a lot more battles won and lower bfa than your side. And if they have more than 20 allies you have no way of checking. So quoting half statistics does not sway me here. The full picture is out of all our reach. Perhaps you should email support and see if they can provide you totals on all of that info so we get a true sense of how close or not the the matchup was.

    A boycott would be to not sign up.
    Signing up and not fighting is not a boycott. It's simply giving up
  17. Well said brotha.
  18. If devs answered emails, why would we have to boycott?
    Without signing up the wars, how to test if devs really made changes as they claimed to?