referral code

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by darkbrother2, Aug 2, 2012.

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  1. How do u do referral codes
  2. Referral codes were remove a while ago due to abuse.
  3. *facepalm*

    These were ways of referring others to the game. They were stopped a couple of years ago I think.
  5. You are a year too late. :)
  6. Timmy more like 2 1/2 years lol
  7. [​IMG]

    I dont care if you want one or not - you're getting one!
  8. Damn you misspelled my name. You suck at being a grammar unicorn lol
  9. @the pie guy... May I have once? I offer chicken soup in return.
  10. There are no referrals in kaw anymore /lock
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