Hello everyone, hope you are doing well. I have an idea for reducing the large amount of gold in kaw as well as partially solving the problem with aqua/inferno drops. Here goes: Pre-existing condition: With the implementation of bronze bars into the kaw system, banners were upgradeable with all the items and bronze bars. So if the devs decreased amounts of aqua and inferno needed for upgrades and swapped them with respective silver or bronze bars, there would be less gold floating around, and upgrades less of a daunting process. Say 10 inferno, 10 aqua, and 20 silver bars for an equip instead of 25 inferno, 25 aqua. Now I know that b2b hte clans will be able to use this to their advantage, but for the rest of kaw it would be a great help. Hte clans will forever be able to exploit gold, inferno, aqua, and event collections so ignore them. Thoughts and comments welcome. Apologies for the lack of bb code knowledge.
I love this idea! Can't think why folks would complain. Inflation is a bad thing, anyone who says otherwise I assume has little experience with basic economic principles. Especially in kaw this is a major issue. There is a reason that the value of allies has doubled for the same stats over the last year or two. Removing gold from the ekawnomy is necessary. This is a great way to do it especially given the huge glut of equipment having been handed out recently.
My same thoughts thanatos, removing some gold would help refrain things from more over inflation and chaos. I'm sure my example is a little light, maybe instead of 25 aqua and inferno would he reasonable compared to 15 of each and 30 solver bars. But thank you for the support!
I have to use god knows how much gold to even get a decent size how is adding gold to the upgrading of equipment when I get 2 new pieces every 2 weeks good for kaw?
My suggestion would be waiting, getting certain pieces you like for warring or whatever, and then upgrading those only instead of trying to keep up.that's what I would do.
Oh and ally prices doubling what? I have never noticed a change anywhere near that when inflation gets to much devs release new lands and building that's the way it goes don't need anything else.
Releasing lands and buildings are the eqivalent of using buckets to stop a dam from overflowing with water. THAT DAM IS GOING TO BURST, BOI. We need a more 'permanent' solution, instead of spamming the KaWmunity with buy. This seems like it's going on the right track and the fact that bronze/silver bars are more accessible compared to rare inferno and aqua, I welcome this.
This might be a solution for people that are BC but it certainly isn't a solution for me if anything release new levels to the banners that are already in place and ramp up the cost of them.
Oh and do something with the castle that should be the best looking thing in a kingdom as it is it looks like a stable.
Ha! Good luck with that. The top 10 reward for this event is8 seals and 30 xtals and a ton of bars ffs.
I'm with grizzy on this. I don't feel there's any problem in my tier with inflation. However, maybe there is for the bc individuals. I like the idea of having more banner upgrades, and they should be way more expensive to upgrade. Also maybe come out with a customizable castle? Spy defense or attack ect. You can choose the extra static stats, make it be a decent price of 1 tril for all I care. Wouldn't add more gold and would be a more customizable game experience.
So Cosmetic changes > Gameplay solutions? What is happening nowadays? lol But I do agree, KaW does need some reskins.
I don't feel the inflation but I know it's there. This idea popped into my head as a way to also help accounts get equip upgraded easier when they can't afford a seal to go hte for a week and get inferno/aqua that way. I'd prefer to fix the roots of problems in this game rather than some cosmetic issues as put above.
Reducing inflation is simple. Strip farming. By stripping a target and them having a lot of money out, the amount you make per stl vs the amount they lose in enormous. Thereby helping to reduce inflation and balance the eKaWnomy. I myself have always been a firm believer in this method for combating inflation and have done my damnedest to utilize it as much as possible. Bottom line: There is no huge new idea needed to stop inflation. People just need to stop being fairies