Reduce the Min Req members in EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---Master_of_Disaster---, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Minimal Roster Size should be 25.
    Actually we have mostly 40 and it's too much..

    Roster Size 25 = more clans in estock = more fun & more xtals burned
  2. Agreed why 40?
  3. But if we had more members wouldn't that mean we use more xtals anyways?
  4. i support, would get more clans involved therefore better matches ;)
  5. Why should we accept less players? That would create more clans and more lag. Anyway, gathering 5 more players shouldn't be too hard. If you are that desperate then you shouldn't be warring.
  6. OP, support*. :lol:
  7. 15 more narwhal
  8. Totally agree.. Setting such high number as minimum which is 40 will force players who wanna war to join those EE war clans.. Instead of going war with OWN CLAN ad war alongside with clanmates and friends.. Which its more fun to me.. And after winning war you will receive estoc bonus and you are FORCE to stay in a clan full of strangers.. You don't know anyone or most of the people there.. Just hitting haunting the whole day without bothering going CC bcos there is NO ONE in CC.. Devs please fix this.. Kaw suppose to be a game we enjoy with friends and have fun not just hitting, growing but also we can chat and enjoy !! Thanks
  9. It's a bit hard to get 40 yeah. Support
  10. So you want to have warrers moving to other clans to war? Clan loyalty? Losing edge? I guess op didn't think about that
  11. Totally support this.
    Wy a 40 min limit don't understand.
    Whit a 25-30 min limit the last 40 min wars have been a say at least struggle to get a good. Warrooster going on. If you don't have a huge player base to recruit from.

    Have no issue with a 40 min, but going from a 25 to a 40 min limit on the 4h war in a week did realy don't give the smaler clans a honest chance to fix the logistics in order to do a 40 war.
  12. But then weaker members will leave make your clan stronger.
  13. Support this 
  14. Support 25
    this is not the only thread about this
  15. Totally support. Having min requirements of 40 is hard for anyone. Please change back to 25
  16. If they change it don't complain about unfair matchups
  17. The reason match ups better there have only been 20 wars sat and sun since they increased the min to 40 not enough ppl to war to have a bad match up