red paladin plains

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIBlllAlllDlllAlllSlllSlll, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Hey guys idk if this has been posted yet……ok you know how there having t5 on low lands soon? I think instead of that they should make another high land (red paladin plains) which can only be unlocked at hlbc and having a mith equipment! I think it would emcourage folks who havent warred to war!! but its just a idea:)
  2. ANOTHER idea* the lands can only be unlocked by using mith to buy a land
  3. Cheap Mith lands would be cool like the last one costing 300mith althought it would be unlockable after lowlands.
  4. yeah thats the plan………me and redd10101 have come up with it
  5. No support
    1)Stop thinking of another highland there going to put t5 on low lands first. when you ask?when the devs feel like it.
    2)you cannot limit people to buying the red paladin plain with mith you are then forceing the kaw community to war.
  6. This is literally the stupidest idea I've heard since Behr paint and primer came out with a cereal. Not everyone can war. Everyone can hit an EB and make money. You're a jackass if you want to force people to war, not to mention, you'll probably get pounded like a virgin on prom night if you are going to force the LB to war against you.
  7. Was good talking about last night drag. Love idea of carrying red paladin theme into lands. To sora... we know about t5 lowlands. And kaw was a war game last time I looked lol
  8. Yes but war cost real money not everyone can war because of that
  9. the only peeps saying no are the eb fairies that dont war roflmao!! Lolol
  10. if devs put this idea the kaw kids or adults who just got laid off can never be hlbc
  11. Its not preventing hlbc its another land after the 50lands
  12. I war dragon -.-
  13. not hlbc just bc
  14. Drag I refuse to spend real $ on this game so I cannot war. I think that T5 should be released on LL first
  15. Well if u guys would read other posts they are trieing to get devs to make war xtals that are free so that solves your problems with xtals
  16. And the odds of it happening are one in one million.
  17. No they are trying it has not been done the problem is still lurking
  18. NO SUPPORT
  19. You say only eb warriors are only people not supporting. I promise you now that im far from one but still dislike those wars
  20. NO SUPPORT this game is for eb fariys to ee war gods respect that what you are doing might actually over power ee people.