Discussion in 'Wars' started by BUSHPlG, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Only 4 war matches^_^ wth is goin with the system? As it was mentioned that the rancour will raise thru out the season. But at a rate with matches this season......I really dont think that warriors will even make it lol
  2. don't whine on forums whine on app store game reviews it means we don't have to see it
  3. really devs? there should be a minimum requirement for threads, like 300 characters
  4. There's no point whining on forums. Write a complaint and send it to them.
  5. Shut up!! LoL this is forums btw...its open to public :p lol
  6. Don't be mad, y'all are getting no match because of the SH your using.
  7. Don't want no match? Then convert
  8. LoL this is the fourth conversion
  9. cbf converting again lol
  10. Enjoy the no matches then
  11. Why do you say LoL? Why not just "lol"?
    Anyway... For once Val got something right. You don't wanna convert, don't war!! The developers aren't going to match you with a clan because if they do, it'll be a **** match and you'll STILL complain.
    Wait for the changes and accustom to them.
  12. So many clans are trying to game the system, it's causing bad hit ratios. Want to add gh/sh to your war rosters don't cry about the consequences
  13. Well my record for this season is 12 nm lol. Kaw shud make an achievement for it:D
  14. I could only imagine the stupid look on your face as you cry AND try to hide that behind a smile.
  15. Yup jus imagine ok lmao
  16. I wish there was an age restriction for forums...
    Keep out all these yolo heads :('s depressing and no longer hilarious