REALITY_war: no matchup and mismatch

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed794916, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. everyone hates to lose and to waste time.

    why you get mismatch:
    because of your roster build.

    *many small clans trying to join s3 without any preparation or lack of warrer
    -it means you have a lot of mids which bring up your hit ration and made your roster size big.
    *which means mids cant hit bigs.
    -it means sometimes you cant get enough warrer which you have no choice but to get merc warrers
    *other clans just accept even if they that guy have a bad build just to complete their roster
    -the build also you should accept must fit on your clan strategy

    conclusion: why you get mismatch(coz of your roster build) because you didnt balance it. you should not expect a 100% good matchup if you have many mids that means its possible to face clans with many sh/gh(which mids dont have good choice coz they cant plunder on bigs and on sh) SO YOU NEED WARRER WITH PREPARED BUILDS

    why you lose on war:
    1. because of your warrers:
    - if your clan is not prepared it means you dont have enough good warrers.
    *many clans have bad warrers. (inactives,doesnt xtal,slow connection, dont know to track alone,doesnt prepare before war, dont have their own warring style,dont follow instruction and act like a hero, dont know to cooperate)

    2.because of your strategy:
    *i saw clan dont have good build on their roster many leaks,mids and lack of bigs and sh but they beat good clans with better roster.
    why? because of their strategy and how they manage and motivate their warrer. (but its a close war)

    3. because you dont do trial and error.
    many clans dont do trial and error before s3 starts. others tried but they gave up when they lose 3times in a row.

    4.have your own clan style of warring:
    *no 3 is recommended. (as you can see clans that having a win like rh,minas,pa,sotra,kreut,mm,dragons sanc,lar,sotuw,zaft and etc. (you already know it)
    because they having their own style and they do trial and error to avoid losing
    *yes those clan received mismatch also
    even rh received mismatch before thats why they lose and they have inactive but they solve it asap.
    other clan also did that.

    *as you observe they have they own strat.(how they war) and how they balance their roster build.

    5. your roster is not consistent.
    -if your roster build is consistent. if you win on the last time you war you will win the second one.
    *others kept changing their roster build.
    -the reason why there is a mismatch or no match. EVERY WAR THE ROSTER IS NOT THE SAME SO its not devs fault. (they are also trying their best to give good matchup coz they are afraid to lose customers that pay them.)

    conclusion: observe clans like minas,kreut,rh,pa,zaft and others. how they do their work to win.
    (they also trying to avoid each other thats why they do trial and error and find the best solution)


    -you cant avoid it but you can lessen it. just do trial and error. if you find the good build then be consistent then when it start to fade then do trial and error again.

    all clans receive no match.
    those clans who kept on winning the reason why because they got everything balancing,having good warriors,they play on pc, they have set up for playing kaw(faast computer and connection), they are serious about inactive,they do trial and error and performance and they are consistent.

    *you cant say that they are exploiting the system coz they are trying hard to win and dont stop warring until the end (lose or win)

    *about the gh/sh. many people requested to ban or lessen the plunder of gh.
    now you give a big problem. gh dont have a wide of range compare to sh.
    because you kill gh they found solution and that is sh.

    * if you are requesting to ban sh. (OHH COME ON. YOU WILL GIVE MORE PROBLEM IN THE FUTURE)
    before mids dont have a big problem because some gh cant reach them.
    now they have because sh can kill them and they cant still plunder on them. ALSO BIGS ARE NOW HAVING PROBLEMS ON SH. if you didnt request to change gh mids dont have big problems. they just need to raise some stats now they need to get 20mcs and good bfa to get out of range.


    *devs lie about there promise on war xtals. now pay for it add quest for xtals
  2. What did I just read?
  3. Wait.......

  4. Statless
  5. Way too many problems with your logic.
  6. Assuming this is a tiny crappy build that is using an even tinier crappier build to make a ridiculously misguided thread to make himself feel better about abusing the system....

    I'm pretty sure that sums it up.