Hi. I want the devs and kaw_admins to read this. This is just a realistic suggestion as compared to people saying permanent x2 and x3. I think it would help people see it as possible to get hoarfrost BC and hl BC if we had a 20 - 30% plunder boost from what we have now. Can one of the kaw admins reply to this plz. And people of kaw give support to a realistic plunder boost not an unimaginable permanent x2 or x3
As much as I loved x2 and x3, devs never should've released it... Now forums is nothing but this perm x2 or x3 stuff...
I did use feedback this morning just also wanted to see what yins people of kaw think. And even though its a war game I'm not a waring person
Seriously, I'm tired of ppl whining about how they'll never get to bc fast enough, as if it were some kind of god given right they have for downloading this game. You know what will happen if they boost plunder big time? They'll have to roll out T7 sooner to combat the insane amounts of gold floating around next month instead of next year.
Did you even do the math its only like 2-7 mil more per attack I am stating. ( amount more will very per person per build)
@burdock x the millions playing x the 100s of times people hit a day xtal usage Math is only useful if you include ALL the math needed for it to be accurate
If my stats make 40 million the first hit, what about someone who actually has t5 level 3's? All this will do is inflate the ally market further and make all the people who worked to get their hlbc or hfbc mad. (I would be if I saw people going hlbc in a year. )
@hmmmmmm tell me one person playing kaw who can't take their plunder earned and add 20 - 30%. I think the youngest people playing this are like 12 and 13. So they know how to add a percent to a number
@ souless_twilight I think you would only BC a few months sooner not too much sooner to enrage people. And by a few I mean depending on activity 1-3 months
PvE plunder is fine, it's PvP plunder that needs to be boosted. It actually needs to be re-worked so that equipment adds to plunder like pots
Player vs Player support the boost But not for the EB warriors that don't like to get hit (as evidence of a 5 hit farm rule is wimpy)
X2 x3 is nice but unfair to people who put a lot of effort in building their land and now see newby's doing it in half the time they needed
Dev's should look for a system where ranking is based like atp list of tennis where only last year activity is taking in count
im still sort of new to this game, and i even disagree. The game is fine with the current payout. I'm close to lowland completion, and i'm just unlocking highlands, and i see no problems with payout.
I think the best argument against a Plunder-increase is the fact that it helps mainly newer players and insults all the people who have been playing for ages. It will just boost the inflation and lowers the work older players had building their kingdoms with less Plunder. I remember how pissed i was when t4 prices got cut in a half. It was exactly the Moment when i was t4-bc . All my efforts were made ridiculous by lowering t4 prices.
Also if some of you complain its a war game that means you want competition. So if people grow just a little faster that means more competition in this war game