Real War Winnings??

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by dvdplayertemporary, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. My question in a scenario:
    I'm in a Real War and my side is getting beaten real bad. We all buy potions and buy allies so we have no gold left. We get attacked and stolen from, assassinated and scouted on nevertheless. Yet we have no gold to lose.

    Therefore the two points of the question are:
    Do they still get allie bonus from successful attacks and steals?
    Do successful assassination and scouts all add up on their war tax/overall winnings even tho they don't see any plunder themselves immediately from assassinate/scout (such as what happens with -ie.- Eb: Warbeasts- scout/assassinate action)?

    I wish I were able to set up two clans and have enough accounts to test this, but sadly I am unable.

    Main reason for asking is in my last Real War, we had almost equal successful att's and steals, yet we had 5:1 against us for successful scouts and assassinations. We were 600mill behind at this point, but keep in mind however that we had all potted all our gold.

    Anyone have any ideas?? :idea:
  2. If you have no gold out they still make just as much per att/steal on you. The only difference is that you only lose the pots they burned instead of pots and a portion of your gold that would have been not banked.
    A war is not an EB so successful actions are not a deciding factor in which side wins a war, only the total plunder earned from att/steals is what maters
  3. They other clan earns zero gold from scouts or assassinations. These actions are only used to weaken you.

    They can still attack and steal from you even if you hide your gold. Theo only way to stop them attacking is to keep your troops below 20%.
  4. and i assume the way to keep troops below 20% is either attack and lose or quests?
    why does everyone say you need to pot your gold and buy allies when in real war then?
    im just curious how you guys got those answers. i had no idea still get same amount of plunder from successful win if no gold. it doesnt make sense, cos they get gold from me if they win-i can see that it got taken-, but if i have no gold, then logically thinking they should get nothing. you with me??
  5. Logically, yes. I understand your view.

    In the majority of cases if you hide your gold then you cannot be stolen from. There are some loopholes that allow some steals to succeed even when you do this though (it depends on your buildings).

    The attacks are not plunder based though and will always succeed (or at least get through and not say dtw) if you have sufficient troops. The amount you lose when attacked isnot relevant to the amount they gain either. What they earn is based mostly on THEIR buildings although your stat size does change their amount.
  6. Some ppl say to bank because they think it makes a difference. I recommend it so that you can have your gold be put to use instead of losing it.
    The attackers have to make a profit for each hit or the game would just shut down. People would always bank and attackers would have no motivation to burn 24mil in attack pots only to receive nothing.
  7. Very confusing. I understand what you are saying, but it appears that there are too many 'grey' areas around it that don't appear to follow set 'rules' in my mind. Nevertheless, I will have faith in your input and regard it as truth; perhaps to one day debunk or verify personally should the possibility arise. Thank you Obilerator

    Basically you're saying to save money, bank it, otherwise it gets taken. Either way the winning attacker still gets same amount (with respect to loss of troops); regardless of if i've banked or not. Which would make it very smart to bank and use later in sale of new allie? I believe you made it clear. Thank you greatness580
  8. That's pretty much it syko. It's not very intuitive but that's the way it works. You'd be surprised how many players don't understand it!
  9. In any real war you must never leave any gold out.

    bank any gold you do have from sucessful attacks or steals either in allies (unless it's a strip war) or in pots. However please note that after the war if you decide to sell these pots you will loose a percentage. My advice is to buy allies if it's not a strip war but if or when allies are bought off you buy more allies asap.

    As mentioned above even if you have no gold out an attacker makes plunder off you when they attack or steal unless you are a hansel or spy build and that's a whole different thing.

    Keep your troops low - quest and hit from pin (i.e. you can still attack them but due to your troops being low you appear at dtw to the other clan) and build up some plunder. Please bear in mind that due to your low troop count you wont be very strong so find a target on the other side that is paying well ideally without you having to use pots to win against and keep attacking or stealing.

    encourage your clan mates to also keep no gold out and hit from pin to try and claw back gold.

    best of luck.