<<<READ>>> HMMM!!!! A JW question for smart people on kaw.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -King_Monster-, May 23, 2010.

  1. If I have 4 100 mil allies and got them sold then had no allies and bought a 400 mil ally would I get more plunder bonused????
  2. The same thing lol
  3. Slightly more than what you invested since the ally sale made you money.

    Plunder bonus is based on money spent on allies. Not stats etc. It can be in many allies or just a single big priced ally at 0/0/0/0.
  4. Also if the 400m ally had the same stats as each of the 100m allies, it would increase your bonus indirectly by decreasing your overall "strength" while maintaining the same number of allies. Though at those small of numbers the difference would be minimal :p.
  5. The 400 mil ally will give more plunder