RE-imagining OSW: Part One: System Wars that Punish

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Hello Kaw. Having found a smidgen of free time on my hands I decided to throw out one of the ideas that has been banging around in my head for a while.
    Several PvP purists have made threads asking ATA to make a rewards system for basically hitting the battle list. I have two problems with this approach. First, it tries to add a system to something off system, which experience shows always ends up in exploitation. Give someone like Val a couple of hours and he will drive a bulldozer through any well-intentioned idea. Second, it goes against the spirit of PVP. I don’t hit because I want to get some shiny trinket. I hit because I want to cause my target some pain.

    Therefore I have come to the conclusion that any improvement to the OSW system can only work if first, there is no incentive to exploit, and second it channels into our desire to cause pain.

    How does it work? Mandatory system wars than focus more on punishing the losers than rewarding the victors.

    Let’s think back to the original system wars of 2010. A clan would declare war on another and the other would then choose to accept or not. After two days of fighting the clan with the highest plunder would get the tax pot. This failed for two reasons. First, exploited into pwars where basically clans attacked their spy alts and forfeited the war to get the plunder tax. Second, so many clans were so paranoid of losing or being cheated that they never excepted the wars.

    My Osw wars would be different. First, there would be no option to decline the war. We don’t choose to be attacked in OSW, why should system wars be different? In my model when, say Kotfe Assassins, for example, decides to declare war on Zaft Carnage, Carnage would have no choice but to fight. If either clan performed less than, say, 100 successful actions on their opponent, they would find their clan bonuses halved and a broken sword plastered on their clan page, which would greatly hamper their war efforts and be a huge embarrassment to their OSW reputation.

    The war would last a day, players would be free to leave their clans, but only actions made in clan would go to the effort. Outside hits? Why not! This is OSW ffs. In the end the winners would only get minor rewards, say, 10 mith However the losing clan would lose one percentage point off their clan bonuses. They would have to do them over again.

    Why is this a better model? First, it gives us a way to measure who is winning an OSW. Right now OSW are basically won by clan owners with the best credit cards. Often end in “mutual cf” where everyone comes out a winner (loser?). With this system losing clans can see their clan power dwindle away, possibly forcing a surrender in a reasonable time period.

    Second, there is no real incentive to exploit, since it focuses on punishing the loser over rewarding the winner. It might seem harsh and cruel, but this game is called Kingdoms at War.

    Third, it would give us all a record of who is and who isn’t contributing to their clan’s OSW effort, creating more accountability amongst players. Lots talk a good game, let’s see who is actually hitting.

    Now some might scream about “fairness” (never quite understood this need for “fairness” in a war game). I think we could get by exploits by imposing clan hit limits. A clan cannot attack another that is either 200 ranks above or below it.

    This is one idea that has been kicking around in my brain for a while. I feel it would be a way to add a little spice to the OSW out there.

    Please give me your opinions and see if you can blow any holes in this.

    Tl:dr making system wars that punish the losers instead of rewarding the winners would add spice to the OSW element of Kaw while limiting exploitation.
  2. Interesting. I like it
  3. So can people join the clan after war starts?
  4. Sure. People were free to join and leave in the old system wars.
  5. Then it wouldn't be fair, you could declare war on a small clan you didn't like then bring back all the people you dropped to get to their rank
  6. clan ranks don't change that quickly. anyway, this is OSW. Who cares about it being fair?
  7. Sounds like a good idea. But after watching the game progress I think the dev's are moving away from OSW all together. The dev went though 2years of changes to try and get the ee system right. What a lot of people don't understand about OSW's are, 9time out or 10 it is about growing faster. You and your top player make a plan to buy allies like crazy. Then start a fight. If all goes well you will be awake when your allies start getting stripped or have a night shifter to wake you up if your are not. Then boom you go from 1till in allies to 1.5 in gold. Upgrade, fight the good fight and when the war is over you start buying allies looking forward to the next war. But their is that one chance you will lose everything . So it is not without it disadvantage. This is why I do not see them making my changes to the OSW system.
  8. I think that all that matters is devs implementing something that would work for pvp. This seems like a good idea, could be tweeked a little, however anything that promotes pvp would help kaw (on a global scale, not ee). Something like 2x plunder on pvp for everyone, or fixing the build/pot situation
  9. I mentioned system wars being revisited recently to the developers and they said it would be looked into. It's honestly a great system, it's just been abandoned ever since the pwar era.

    The tricky part of Philos idea, is the sheer fact there is no alliance system to date. In today's kaw, many clans love to use sheer force of numbers. By allowing a system war osw combination, you'd be essentially limiting 1 vs 1 clans within struggle of this new system war.

    However, keeping this thread in mind - it's a refreshing idea. 
  10. Would be interesting if the current system expanded to multiple clans like chaos said, then instead of plunder gained it kept track of total actions and Gold lost from each side
  11. Waiting for part two....
  12. Why would I do a system war for nothing or potentially punishment

  13. You're actually the bane of KaW's existence.
  14. Its a system for off system basically. Theres no real rewards for osw besides respect and bonding. So this would just be a definitive way of having osw's and the winners. The prize of mith being more than adequate, while the prize of embarrassing and humiliating another clan is priceless
  15. Why apply a system to off system? Osw isn't supposed to be about anything other than tapping attack or steal, with the occasional ally strip or banking of pots etc

    Why should there be a system war for osw? I don't get it.
  16. I like the idea. But maybe have the ability to add clans on each side and make no time limit. Almost like a record of all hits and gold lost from hits or and record of strips. Have record put in history. No one could lie about what they lost and did the kaw community could see who is "winning" the osw. Could go farther to add runners and ore detailed stats. But your definitely on to something to lose apposed to gain rewards.