are spy defence and attack defence pots are they realy any good or use when you a re bigger, they don't stop people attacking and i can loose billions, or don't i have enough, about 130,000 pots in total
all depends on how much you're protecting. If you got trillions in allies, then yes they can slow down some strips, but they cannot fully prevent a strip. If you got a crappy ally like me, and bank all your gold, then the dp, and sdp are just a waste, as pure spies LOVE to burn them, and each hit you lose over 20m in dp/sdp.
Pots are good to have but spy pots are extremely easy to burn. Which is why I think spy pots are a waste but hey... That's my opinion
It depends on the situation. If you're bigger/bigger clan, defense pots are a better idea. But if you're getting constantly getting pounded by a bigger person/clan, then defense pots won't matter and you would be much better off putting all into attack pots over balancing attack and defense.