Re: BROKENSWORD's Estoc war suggestions

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LexlVlciouS, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. @Brokensword: nicely formed, worded and thoroughly explained. It also begs mentioning that you ARE an sh build, a rather good one at that. Your lack of bias brings more sound judgement and reasoning to your suggestions.

    He also makes a strong point with flat % success bonus added and even bonus plunder. The recent exponential increase in no matches is understandable with the amount of larger builds cast into a roster, as the average amount of sh cast into rosters is approximately 50%(correct me if I'm wrong, this is an assumption). So, if a clan were to cast say 5 big builds that are out of the sh range, then 25% of that clans roster could not hit 50% of an average opponents roster. I'm assuming this produces nomatch. In my experience, it indeed has produced a nomatch.

    My question though, is why even introduce dtw into wars if it doesn't apply to the other end of the spectrum. Sure a big build would have no problem eliminating an sh in war and they are dtw. That's fine.

    But why is it that lb can hit mids and small builds who stand no chance whatsoever of defending themselves much less fighting back? Why are they not dts?

    I think Brokensword has very well thought out propositions regarding this, that would make the lucky few that do indeed match, not suffer due to a bad match. Which, often, is the case.
    Players that have been dedicated to continuing to attempt to participate in the ups and downs of estoc, and not given up despite poorly tested matching algorithms, suffering losses to other clans they should've never been matched with, and have acquired mith equipment or season equipment should be awarded for their persistence via flat bonus as Brokensword suggested. Along with plunder bonus, because we all know if you do get lucky enough to win on this lb player or someone with huge bfa you would lose far more troops(and ability to plunder) than you would had their bfa not been so large.

    This change would not inflict any harm to lb players or those that have worked hard on their bfa, simply because they still don't have a hard time hitting the majority of other players. Instead it would help those that haven't played as long or haven't amassed a giant bfa. Those that are ready to quit, because they can't win the few matches they are given, because of the mismatch in strength of opposing clans. It happens very often.

    I have played kaw a very long time and sadly seen a lot of my friends quit because of estoc wars. People that have spent a lot of money on this game, that have warred many a merc war from the times before estoc, very good warriors that made the game even more fun, have left because estoc has made it not fun.
    Contrary to popular belief, some people do play this war game to war. Why not let it be more fair and fun for those that remain? ..the few of us and those that have more recently began to play.

    I spoke with someone at a clan close in match rank to my own, and he stated that they had recently matched another clan with 128m cs more than their own. That is approximately 10 mid sized builds larger! 10 ..seriously? And that is not even taking into account the additional bfa of such larger players.

    I'm sure, also, that those larger players were not dts to the smaller players on his roster. So how the hell is it that they are supposed to successfully war against such a clan? How are they to plunder? If there is some secret I would like to know it, because this is often the scenario when a clan does get a match.

    Plunder essentially wins the war, as it always has. So what is the point of hit ratio if I can not successfully hit those I am able to?!!

    Thank you Brokensword for your suggestions, if you make a game I would like to play it lol. As for now I am not giving up on estoc..yet. But something has to change.

    I, for one, volunteer for any testing the developers would like to do regarding their matching algorithm and system and I am for any tweaking that is done.

    I am also a software developer and I have honestly never seen a company that releases changes into the production environment without thorough testing. I realize your development team may be busy, but there are many of us sitting here willing to help analyze data and form conclusions and suggestions to the current system in a formal manner.

    I have played this long without quitting for a reason. Please don't convince me to do otherwise. We are here for you developers. Help us to help you, please.

    Thank you.
  2. TL;DR version? Im kinda busy
  3. You're not to busy to browse the forum and post your bs. Read it or go post on a different thread.
  4. If I'm reading rightly, this is about adding dts in wars? That fact is, they already got an advantage as they are lb or whatever.. Like in honest, what is the need of having them immune to attacks? Because if they got like 12k def.. They won't need to be worried about any getting through
  5. Read the post...
  6. So much rambling and contradicting itself and saying "DTS" when it means "dtw" and vice-versa.

    Should be about 1/20th the length, and posted as a reply in the thread it's a response to.
  7. Total agreement about beta testing though.