Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!2.0

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xSS-RazoR-AAHx, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success

    Hey guys, it's Razor here and I'm finally done making my ultimate guide which I have been working for such a long time. It really wasn't easy making this guide, especially when your computer has only a half-keyboard and it can't download anything. This is my first attempt at this guide so chill out with the criticism and try not to speak your opinions in such a hostile manner please. This is going to be a long guide so be ready to read a lot. Thank you for reading. (Emojis will NOT be used so the guide can be both iPod and computer friendly)

    Getting started
    Ok so you just got done with your tutorial and you're probably wondering, "What am I suppose to do? O_O" Well, you're reading this guide so you're safe. Alright, so before you start building Barracks and Stables, you want to ask for a volley on WC, or World Chat. World Chat is used for players to discuss and socialize but recently there has been a new update eliminating Plunder Wars (Wars that were only to receive gold which corrupted KaW). Everything has changed since then. We won't talk about that just yet. Anyway, to open up World Chat you click on the small speech bubble on the corner of your iPod screen, or on the bottom of your computer screen. On iPod, players gain 5 speakers everyday while computer users have to buy them with Nobilities . But if you're on computer, consult me or a pal and ask me or him/hers for a volley to 5b. If you're on the iPod, wait for the 5 speakers to come in which might be a day. You know people volley you when your news feed is exploded with "____ successfully hired you." When you're done with your volley, you should have about 100m(illion). What you do Is buy lands until you have 9 which is lower than 4m altogether. You then build 1 Bestiary, giving 2 extra attacks which is extremely helpful. Though it gives 5 minutes more for the time you wait to regenerate your troops. Anyway, you then build 7 War Cathedrals and not Forges because they give more plunder. After, you build a Guild And upgrade it to LV 2. Read the section "Allies" and "Max Plunder" then return to this section.

    So you're done reaching Max Plunder and you think you've completed the game. Haha, you're FAR from doing that. Now, find a clan that will do small EBs to raise the lil' players. Preferably "Abandoned Kingdom" or "The Despair". On my alternate account, I did some gold transferring to speed up my process, but you'd be close to LC in a few days if you didn't. Explore more lands until you have 14 and temporarily build War Cathedrals on them, get Max Plunder, and then SAVE UP until you can tear down a building and successfully build a Guild and upgrade it from LV 1 to LV 3. Do this for all lands except for your Bestiary land. By now, you should have MP (1.5 times your next land price in allies), 1 Bestiary LV 3, 13 Guilds LV 3, and happiness at a good start at the game :) . Explore your lands until you have reached your 900m land. Build LV3 Guilds on them and slowly upgrade them to LV4. Keep doing "Abandoned Kingdom" and do the stealing phrase as fast as you can to gain 5m gold at your top and 1m at the last hit. That's a lot. In the end, each unload is equivalent to 20-30m BONUS. You're growing pretty quick now ;) . Bonuses should be at a range of 50-60m now. Explore lands and build LV4 Guilds until you're past LC (congratulations on LCing!) and on your fourth Highland. Upgrade your Bestiary into a LV3 War Aviary(1.33b) into a Circle of Elementals LV3(26b). Now, every land you explore, build a LV4 SOS until you are an HLBC Hansel . Upgrade your Castle if you'd like, too!

    Max Plunder

    This is going to be a short section but to reach max plunder , hire an ally with a price of 1.5x of the price of your next land. Hire allies with the highest attack out of the first 3 pages of the tab but don't go below the tenth ally of each page. You will receive the highest amount of gold you can get at the moment. You notice your plunder drops every time you hit a person off the Battle List or off of an Epic Battle . You want to make even more and hiring allies WON'T work. Instead of waisting millions on allies, attack twice and then wait to fully regenerate which is ten minutes. Ok, back to section "Getting Started".

    Ally Trading

    "What is this?" You may be wondering. Well, ally trading is a process to gaining gold. Here's how it is:
    •Buy an ally ranging from pages 1-3 and allies #1-10. Those are the most active.
    •Buy the ally with the best stats out of those pages.
    •Sooner or later, the active ally will sell due to it being underpriced and active.

    My Thoughts on LC Resetting

    IMO, Resetting is way unworthy because it resets everything you worked for except your Nobilities, Crystals, and that's it. Resets do have a good side though- they give you small bonuses:
    •3% more attack and defense
    •3% more spy attack and spy defense
    •5% more attack and defense
    •5% more spy attack and spy defense
    I seriously do NOT support it.


    Yes we're that far now and pretty close to the end :) . Clans are pretty common nowadays because the cost of creating it is too cheap. Do NOT build a clan until you are:
    •1 year old or have experience of a 1year old on this game.
    •Have LC
    •Onto T4
    Clans run in different ways and now there are even different types of wars. 12 hour, 24 hour, and 48 hour. Clans, IMO, should have a rank system. For example, if my clan was based on YuGiOh!, these would be the ranks:
    •Trainer-100k-200k comb.
    •Joey-201k-300k comb.
    •Kaiba-301k-1m comb.
    •Yugi-1.1m-3m comb.
    •Yami Yugi-3.1m-9m comb.
    Administration should not be given out in a careless manner. Do NOT post on WC: "Join my clan to become admin!" Admin is an honor to obtain.
    War types:
    •Off system- Wars that are not on system. These wars are brutal, stripping is allowed, mercing is allowed, everything is. These don't end until both clans reach an agreement.
    •On system- Wars that are on system. These wars are friendly and sometimes even for training. Preferably no stripping or mercing.
    Merging a clan should have thought put into because it is a decision that's really hard to make, losing a clan and all.
    Having an alliance as a clan is really helpful. Alliances are clans that will help you in REAL (Off system) wars as you will be expected to do the same.
    Sub-clans are clans that are usually in a family and should only be created
    when space is needed for your main clan or when you think the main clan is for stronger people. Basically, only make a subclan when you need space, or when you want to train the noobs in it.
    Many players look for a clan learn/grow in so try to host Epic Battles constantly.
    Advertise on WC for players to join your clan and make a clan thread.
    Advertise on player's walls.

    Plunder Wars

    Ah yes, Plunder Wars. They are the cause of so many noobs wandering around KaW for a faster way to grow. PWs originated around late 2010. Many players (mainly forumers) believe PWs were created and used by noobs that were corrupting KaW by this. Plunder Wars were wars that had a whole army of kingdoms that were waiting to unleash their Nobilities and Crystals on the OPen Spy Farm on the opposing side. Then, they would forfeit and have the taxed collected submitted to the OSF. Plunder Wars were originally supposed to be replaced by Epic Battles but were taken out by the
    devs. They are still available, but are really pointless to reenact.

    Farming and It's Types

    Farming is one of the main ideas forumers whine about not an abundance of players doing. Farming is 6 attacks on a kingdom under 24 hours. The "PWar noobs" are the players who usually cry about being hit that many times in an hour. The types of farming are:
    • Normal, non-harsh farming- Farming that is 2-3 hits every 10-20 minutes (no exact interval
    •Harsh farming- Farming that is 5 hits every hour or so.
    •Strip farming- Stripping the player of it's allies causing them to have gold out. Then, farming the player dry of it's gold. There are clans specifically made to strip farm and have real wars (iG, BlackHand, etc.) so be careful who you disrespect.


    The Alchemist! A new addition that was added in the update of the elimination of Plunder Wars. This extraordinary addition costs a new type of currency called "Mithril". You can gain Mithril by participating in system wars. The Alchemist can grant you:
    •Bloodlust- Raises your attack and defense by 45,000,000 for 6 Mithril for 12 hours.
    •Battle Fury- Raises your attack and defense by 25,000,000 for 3 Mithril for 12 hours.
    •Fog of War- Raises your spy attack and defense by 20,000,000 for 3 Mithril for 12 hours.
    •Veil of Darkness- Raises your spy attack and defense by 35,000,000 for 6 Mithril for 12 hours.
    •Seal of Loyalty- Hide your allies for 5 Mithril for 8 hours.
    •Unholy Aura- Grants you with a 50% chance of making your enemy lose 100% more gold from your successful attacks and steals for 15 Mithril for 12 hours.
    •Oath of Fealty- Hides your allies for 20 Mithril for 1 day.
    •Name color changes-
    for 1 Mithril for 6 hours.

    The Alchemist is obtained by exploring all lowlands and upgrading your castle for 4b. By the way, the devs promised to grant you with 5 Mithril as a gift.

    Mini Dictionary

    •Volleying- Constantly hiring an ally to have the ally gain an abundance of gold
    •Speakers- Currency for speaking on World Chat
    •Nobilities- Came be bought with
    money, won in quests randomly, exchanged for gold, a name change, or a full troop regeneration
    •Crystals- Specifically made to be exchanged for a full troop regen. Can be bought with money or won in quests
    •Gold Transferring- Transferring gold to a partner by hiring an ally until the main cannot hire anymore. (unsure definition)
    •Max Plunder- Highest possible amount of gold you can obtain from a hit
    •LC- Land complete. Successfully discovering all 25 lands. Achievement for this
    •Hansel- A build consisting of 1 Troop building and the rest Spy buildings
    •HLBC- Highland Build Complete
    •Battle List- Recommended and encouraged to hit from by many people and clans
    •Epic Battle- Systems made to replace plunder wars

    -SexyWarrior69's thread on a Lightning Fast BC
    -Ally Trading thread
    -Wulf's thread on buildings, land
    costs, etc.
    -Dilly's KaW Handbook
    -Hav0c's Ally Market Thread
    -Perspective Dragon
    -Bob Knarly
    -ONS Killer Legs
    -Many more coming soon in update!

    Coming Soon!

    Thank you for reading! This is the end of my guide and I will constantly be editing it :)
  2. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Reserved. Fix those BBC mistakes tomorrow!
  3. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Nice Thread! 
  4. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Thanks bro! :)
  5. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!


    • Home
    • Clan
    • Top Bar
    • Troops
    • Battle
    • Quests
    • Profile
    • Leaders
    • Feedback
    • Help
    • Kingdom
    • News
    • Allies
    • Marketplace
    • Chats
    • PM

    • Home
      Home is an easy way to access and view almost anything you need to see.

      Your money, your clan, your troops, your number of allies, your nobility, your number of buildings, help section, PM, forums, your war or eb, the game leaders, send feedback to devs, and view you profile. This screen does not do much in it's self, but it is a portal to go almost anywhere in the game.

    • Clan
      Clans are an important part of the KaW community. Forming a clan, forms friends, makes enemies, and gives you a purpose in KaW.

      As a member in a clan you can do the following things:
      -Post in clan chat
      -Participate in war
      -Participate in epic battles
      -View clan info

      As a admin in a clan you can do the following things:
      -Post in clan chat
      -Participate in war
      -Participate in epic battles
      -View clan info
      -Change the title of members
      -Kick members
      -Change clan announcement
      -Declare wars
      -Start Epic battles
      -Vote to accept wars declared on you

      As a admin in a clan you can do the following things:
      -Post in clan chat
      -Participate in war
      -Participate in epic battles
      -View clan info
      -Change the title of members and admins
      -Kick members and admin
      -Change clan announcement
      -Declare wars
      -Start Epic battles
      -Vote to accept wars declared on you
      -Disband Clan
      -Change roles from member to admin
      -Change roles from admin to member

      Part of a clan is epic battles.
      Epic battles:
      A certain Epic battle has an objective that to win and get part of the awards must be completed. When choosing an epic battle to play, you decide a monster to face, choose an unlocked battle and go!
      Cover of Night
      Kingdom assault
      To the chamber
      The depraved

      The Awakening
      The Despair
      The Forgotten Ones
      The Reckoning

      Abandon Kingdom
      Foreign Territories
      Battle Royal

      The Evanescence
      No Mans Land

      The Haunting
      No Quarter

      Each battle is unique with unique objectives, and stories behind them. When doing a new epic battle, you have NO idea what's coming.

      How to get your worth out of the epic battles:
      Epic battles give you money at the end compared to how well you do in the battle, if you win. And the monsters give you ally bonus when hit. Although if you assassinate you get a much bigger prize at the end, if you defeat the objectives.

      The other team effort that is not epic battles is war.

      System Wars.
      There are three kinds of system wars that I have seen used:
      Friendly war. One of the most common among small clans that want a war in there history and they want to win it. Friendly wars the rules are no mercs, no stripping. Locked roster is not necessary.

      Strip wars.
      These can be common when to clans HATE each other. Often larger clans challenge each other to these. No rules.

      Flexible wars.
      I say that for lack of a better name. No rules but kindness is recommended. Often small to medium clans participate in such wars. They basically follow the System to the letter. No agreements or prior talk to the war, even wars that no word is spoken from one clan to the other, throughout the war.

      How to fight in a war.
      Allies will be still be useful in anything but a strip war. Plunder bonus is a great role when winning a war. But the second (after taking money from them) is stopping the enemies from taking money from you. That's where self-DTW comes in.

      There are twos ways to self-DTW
      Have no money
      Have less than 20% troops

      When they can't take money from you, you can't lose the war.

      That is your clan
    • Top Bar
      The top bar on your home page tells you information. This is the information people may ask you during a war. "What are your troops at?", "How long until next regain?", "How many allies do you have?", "Got any money? How much?". Expect it and look here. It will tell you everything.
    • Troops
      You number of troops tell you weather:
      -You can Battle
      -You can win a battle
      -People can hit you

      Look at it periodically (pay attention).
      It will help.
    • Battle
      Tap this button to go to the battle-list.
      The battle list should look something like this:

      It is made up of players around your size that were recently active. To stay off other peoples battle-list the only real way is to not play the game.

      Why to battle people outside a war.

      While not helping you win a war, battling people can still be a useful thing. It can:
      -Make you money, as there is no tax per hit
      -Let you help a friend
      -Start a personal war.

      All of those show the purpose and game of KaW. A personal war, there is no system no rules, only exchanging hits to make the other player "Forfiet". When that happens you win.

      Helping a friend, is the foundation if our community, let it happen.

      Money is what makes the world go round.
    • Quests
      Quests, they can get you money, health crystals and nobility. All free of charge.
      Those come slow, but they do come.
      Hit your quest:
      You will be rewarded.
    • Profile
      Your profile let's you view yourself.

      -Wins/losses in battle
      -All the pots you have
      -What clan you are in
      -Your title in the clan
      -Your permanent items

      And also it gives you the ability to reset.
      (scroll all the way to the bottom)
    • Leaders
      View the great leaders in KaW!!
    • Feedback
      Need to tell something to the developers? A quick glitch, or a break in ToU? Well use this button and the devs will hear you.

      (If you want to contact the devs with something longer than 90 characters,
      Email them:

      They are helpful people, be nice and explain you problems.)
    • Help
      Need to know the quick basics of KaW?
      This place is very informative.
    • Kingdom
      Want to create edit and upgrade your kingdom?
      This place is how. Tap you building, empty land, or unexplored land to manage it.
    • News
      News, your kingdom is telling you something that happened.
      -Been attacked
      -Been spied
      -Been accepted into a clan
      -Got a new member in it's clan
      -Lost a member in it's clan
      -Gotten Hired
      -Got an ally hired away
      -Been dropped from a clan
      -Got an achievement

      This will tell you.
    • Allies
      You can view, manage and hire allies from here.

      Viewing. Just tap the "Allies" section and you can view your allies.

      Manage. Well drop them. You can get rid of your ally for a refund, and to get them off your list, also dropping their price.

      To hire more by price or name Tap:
      Hire more allies.
      Then press search.
    • Marketplace
      This is you marketplace. You can buy items, also known as pots, to increase your attack or defense stats. Each one only last fir one attack, or one defense. So buy lots!!

      You can also visit the oracle from this section in the toolbar.

      At the oracle everything costs real money, nobility, or crystals.

      For real money:
      -Propacks (All the packs that when you scroll down give you a stat bonus, more nobility, and speakers. They all cost $2.99 )
      -More nobility
      -More Health crystals

      For nobility:
      -More gold
      -A name change
      -Instantly regain troops

      For health crystals:
      -Instantly regain troops

      You can also visit the alchemist from the oracle.

      But to go there you must first:
      -Explore all the lowlands
      -Upgrade you castle for 4 billion

      Once you are there you can buy spells that increase stats, for a time period, change the color of your name, or hide you allies.

      These spells can be used by spending mithril (Gained by winning system em war).
      Mithril is hard to come by, use it wisely.
    • Chats
      Chat. Want to chat with your clan, your allies, and the entire world?
      Tap the chat bubble (seen above).
      This should come up:
      Decide who you want to talk to by tapping "World" "Clan" or "Alliance". Then start posting.

      Note: Posting on world chat costs speakers, and you can get silenced fir spamming it.
    • PM
      Private Messaging.

      Make friends by two players following each other, and start chatting.

    Other questions about finding your way through kaw should be answered here. Nice thread.
  6. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    for the record, I didn't actually read this. but I do have an opinion.

    OH SURPRIZE!!!! it's a NOTHER guide! oh em gee
  7. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Wow o_o Thanks a lot. :)
  8. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

  9. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    That's something I made a while ago, sorry about picture and become errors
  10. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    You forgot to add the part where EBs destroy clan chats.
  11. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    It's cool. It'll help me when I'm editing my guide. :D
  12. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

  13. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Beastieries dont give an extra 15 minutes regen. If they did it wouldnt be an extra two attacks O_O

    I don't think anywho
  14. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Though a very good guide
  15. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    5 min extra not 15, sick either way
  16. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Crap gotta edit that, too. Sorry guys, but thanks Eddzie.
  17. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Why is there a section on plunder wars?

    You also need to space it out more.

    The content is fine, just need to work on the layout.
  18. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    You better be sorry :(

    Jokes :D
  19. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    Some noobs still participate in plunder wars. If the person that was reading this guide didn't know what they were, the noob could've gave them the wrong definitions. They probably would've said,"Plunder wars are an awesome way to get money quick!"
  20. Re: Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!

    They are actually called Mpwars or Mwars now...