Rare Breed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LeviathanLSA, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Hello all, Kami here, reporting to you kive from Rare Breed's newsfeed :lol:

    This all started because someone hired an ally from me. I hired him back, and warned the buyer not to hire back, or risk getting his clan farmed.

    ***SIDE NOTE***
    I threatened his clan because he was a 6-7 mil cs hansel
    /End Side Note

    This person then hired him back, and vollied him from 8 bil, to 17 bil. Naturally, I was very mad because the ally had been underpriced, and now he is extremely overpriced.

    I began hitting the clan yesterday. I hit 7-8 people, and have only received incoming from three. And all they do is pin their troops on an eb, then hit me from pin. Like pussies. All they can do is zero my spies. :lol:

    Commentate if you like. I will be posting updates on this thread if needed.

    ~Kami 
  2. Live*

    Damn this small keyboard :cry:
  3. [​IMG]
    Now explain why I care? Why did you post this on a public forum?
  4. Did you not see the commentate part? It's meant to be funny, as it is pretty hilarious IMO.
  5. That, Is an amazing gif. Now can you pm me the code to the gif. I don't know how to make gif bb codes
  6. I admit, the situation is relatively funny.
    But I wouldn't hit a clan over the loss of an ally.
    Why would you even volley?
  7. Stay on topic please, even though it is pretty sick
  8. Hmm interesting
    Must be valuable ally
  9. He was. he was 140-150k and was only 8 bil.

    He is also my alt ;)
  10. Ahhhh, If he's your alt that changes things...
  11. You're one of those guys...

    Reports 1/1 on their own wall, as if 1 attack will change the tide of the GLORIOUS BATTLE! Come on dude...
  12. Reset the alt. that'll piss off 8m CS dude
  13. It's the only attacks I'm gonna be able to report IGCB, as they stay pinned on that eb of theirs and I can't hit them.
  14. Lol, why haven't i thought of that before? Thanks