Rant about mods and their presence in the community

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kezzer, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. Not going to beat around the bush with this one. I have been watching wc and the forums recently and I noticed something that severely bothers me. For a team of 24 mods which isn't huge but is far from tiny, only a handful make themselves visible to the community.

    I constantly see mods who make an effort to talk to players in wc but guess what. They are always the same select group of people. This is not how it should be. I see silences happening all the time that no mod will take ownership for either which isn't something they have to do but is something they should do in my opinion. Take ownership of what you did.

    I remember when I was a new player and I saw people with colored names in wc. Whether that was a player who had a mith spell or was a mod (no vks at the time.) I saw these people as ones to watch out for. People who would have something important to say so when a mod spoke in wc it really got people talking. It still does work that way and an active wc is a happy wc.

    Also I know the forums aren't for everyone but there are some mods who have a shamefully low amount of forum posts. I won't say any names but seriously it's kinda embarrassing.

    Overall I feel that the mod team as a whole need to work together to make themselves more present in the community rather than relying on the select few who actually make that effort.

    If any mods have an issue with this post shoot me a pm and we can talk.
  2. Every moderator has their own niche within the game. It varies, some can be focused on forum while others their unique world chat.

    Remember, world chat varies region to region. Not all mods patrol the same channel.
  3. In summary, half should be removed and I should have been instated long ago.

  4. I am aware of that chaos however there are mods who have next to no presence at all in the community. They sit in a bubble of their own and that's not how things should be. I am welcome for people to disagree but stating people have their own little niche isn't really a good argument when they have no presence whatsoever making their abilities pretty much wasted.
  5. They just go awol for awhile and think they can show up whenever they want
  6. Well, I don't even know there was 24 mods :lol: I can't even name 10. Now I'm pretty active and I keep an eye on forums and I can't tell you who half the mods are.
  7. You're not wrong. I thought they were all inactive.
  8. In alphabetical order

  9. Yeah now that I see the names I know who they are. But I have to agree with Kezzer. Not enough seem to be 'present' in to community.
  10. Kezzer you're not wrong. But there are reasons that nearly every moderator and nearly every VK becomes quiet after appointment.

    It's as simple as the community.

    Now I love this game and I love the people I've met in it. I wouldn't still be around at nearly 5 years if I didn't. But when it comes to VK (I obviously can't speak for mods but I imagine it's a similar thought line) it is incredibly difficult to have a presence after appointment. The community is immediately split on you of either liking/wanting to be liked OR hated beyond comparison.

    How can anyone expect mods/VKs to be as active and as approachable as they once were when as soon as they post anywhere there is a wave of hate. And unfortunately the hate does normally outweighs the like or even the nothing.

    I think that mods/vks should be stripped of powers/colours if inactive over a period of time, that just makes sense. But I have to request that the community needs some perspective that it's difficult to try your best and get a lot of rubbish in return.

    It's amazing Sean never cracked.

    I am nearly always around and lurking. Happy to answer questions and rear my head in an interesting debate both on WC or forums. But saying that moderators that aren't visible in certain areas of the game is a little unfair as they do more good from the safety of the shadows than any of us do with big mouths.

    Peace and love
  11. They should bring back Yarmes
  12. ...it's not necessary. Some are ok with being seen. Others less so. Both approaches work. Both are valid. Being visible is far more difficult.

    It's very easy to pop onto forums and copy paste "/locked for low effort" on 10 threads and log off. Nobody can even reply. It's wonderful.

    Being visible leads to expectations, questions, probably getting in wars because some idiot felt wrongly silenced.

    It's two sides of a functional coin.
  13. So you are mad that mods don't want to show their face if they silence someone to take ownership? Take ownership of what? Of what the fault that the players did? And have you thought those mods that don't talk a lot want to play with just a normal experience as is players just have a little bit of responsibility to help the community? Why do they need to sacrifice that?
  14. If they didn't want responsibility Snowman and wanted to play as a 'normal player', they shouldn't have applied to be a mod :)

    I'm not saying every single mod needs to be talking in WC and forums, I'd just like to see a few more of the mods chatting as well. So people know who they are :) I can understand it's a difficult position to be in when lots of players just hound mods and are blatantly rude for no reason.
  15. We do these things not because they are easy; we do these things because they are necessary
  16. Anyone who meets the requirements can apply to be a mod, even I've applied once.

    It is something that they do for free and sometimes life gets in the way of kaw so as long as there are some showing a presence I think it's ok.

    Check the website for any openings read the conditions and apply if you think you can do it the more the merrier I say.
  17. Have you ever considered how it looks to the playerbase when someone is silenced and no mod is around? It in general makes the mod team appear to be secretive and sneaky not open and caring which pretty much sums up what a mod should be.

    Also if a mod doesn't want the responsibilities of a mod answer me this. Why should they be a mod? People lose interest in things and when you are no longer fulfilling the role you should either; leave or improve. Simply sitting in the middle ground isn't good enough. Yes it's a volunteer role but they represent the kaw team. Whether ATA likes it or not the mods represent them so they need to make sure the ones they choose are making a good job of it.
  18. It gets tiring after a while. That's why they don't pop up in WC constantly. Everyone's got their limits.
  19. I am not the hero Gotham needs.
    Only the hero it deserves :lol:
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