Ranked 1v1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Blitzkrieg, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. I don't know if this has been requested before but I'd REALLY love to see kaw implement ranked 1v1 so if anyone else thinks this would be a blast then support this and lets see where it goes.

    I don't see why it would be hard to put in kaw bc they could use the same format as e wars, and opponents being random so people couldn't challenge their alts. Match ups based off the same criteria as e war

    Let me know what you all think, suggestions, problems in implementing this to kaw?

    E war is fun but ranked 1v1 would be epic I think, win or lose you get all the credit.
  2. This would be a good idea, i'd say crystals could be chosen as to the two people want (they choose if they want to use 2-24 or any # in between and that would be their max), and maybe they could make a stickied thread in Forums of who wins etc.
  3. Good idea, creative. However, I doubt it'll happen anytime soon,
  4. Imagine how entertaining it would be to see the leaders of these big osw's draw one another in these match ups and see who comes out on top, or see how some of jaws more famous farmers fair in these matchups
  5. It's an ok idea. Some changes
    Rather than havin it like a EE war, why not let people decide? Say some guy is talkin crap in forums so I click his profile and beside attack is declare 1v1. If 1v1 is declared the enemy can't decline. Each player will have a ff 1v1 button and can't do eb during 1v1. No actions from 1 player in 24hrs is a FF from them. You can only declare on players /- 1mcs from you and you can only declare on accnts with different IP addresses. You get a point for each you win and lose one point if you lose. Devs put an extra lb called 1v1 lb. no other players can hit you while in 1v1 to avoid people being ireg'd (put in ca during 1v1).
  6. Pup: That idea is forcing 1v1 on to others. I think every KaWer should KaW how they like.
  7. or maybe you can do both, like above the bl icon there can be a 1v1 button where you can click it and it has options from where you can see your wins/losses, and also to engage in a random 1v1 or search the player you would like to 1v1 (I wonder how you can make it to where you cant abuse it)
  8. Good idea pup and it could have it's own equip rewards for champions and such, that way people are actually getting rewarded that enjoy 1v1 and not forced to grind ebs for equip
  9. Ya it would need to be consented to by both players
  10. All they have to do is ff if they dont want it
  11. Yup is a good idea similar idea already put out there :) check war section in forums
  12. I support this idea.

    I'd like to see who the new 1 on 1 hero is.

    It's best to allow each avenue of advancement. Everyone will complain about you need xtals/multiple accounts/items/bfe/wins losses or whatever gives them the upper hand to their one style of gameplay.

    But who cares?

    I mean if some new player comes in and dominates this arena in whatever format it is presented then they're the top dog. That's it.

    Let someone be the official top dog instead of a bunch of dopes lying about it.

    I have that moron Val telling me he beat me with his 17 accounts on my 1 in a 1 on 1 and I claim I beat him.

    When New Age claimed to be TOOLING the Hollow they saw their true colors in a real system war with stats.

    Turns out they were being decimated and they didn't know it through their own propaganda.

    There'll still be private 1 on 1's. Val and I will still argue about how he's a ***** and I kicked his Lilly white ass, but it won't make us # 1 on that leader board.

  13. Love it. Support
  14. @ Swabia: your one of a handful of farmers I'd really look forward to seeing in something like this. Dedicated farmers and experienced 1v1ers, would be awesome to see some of these big name farmers go head to head for a ranked match
  15. I've always wondered why there wasn't a single player pvp rating system. You really wouldn't even need a new war system to do it, just pins would work. Pins vs low rated players small increase in rating, pins vs high rating players a larger rating increase.
  16. @ OP good post I like it

    @ Swabia you still act like an idiot on forum talking about NA !

    I told you last time you talk crap in forum about na in any way, you turn our fuse to fire,
    last time what happened Yes we attacked iG cos only of you, you are an little idiot who think u can use our name in a bad way!!!!

    And you still run away from that war claiming you gonna quit kaw, did you quit, no you just another runner.

    Since you started day one on kaw u acted an idiot and you haven't stopped!

    New Age 
  17. Support, gives reason to hit people for the heck of it
  18. Looks like swabia talks a lot. Already without allies. No fun in that. But eh **** it. Well we'll still serve u. Have a nice day
  19. Swabia, again you show your ignorance. Hollow and NA have never fought a system war. Perhaps talk to the actual people involved in the war, as I recall you were doing your best to drive Wig into the ground. A task you succeeded in as I recall. I don't think IG ever gave you another admin position after that...