random things

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by llll_x_blackhandshady_x_llll, May 15, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    (55m attack 45m cost)
    description spray this at your foes to make them smell good melts there armour upon impact

    ferbreeze candle
    (55m spy attack 55m cost)
    description light the candle then run

    ferbreeze wall plug in
    (55m defense 25m cost)
    description troops will smell then get super powers most of them will jump off your walls

    ferbreeze insent
    (22m spy defense 5m cost)
    description makes ur spys smell better and pull the other spys

    wrath of the febreeze
    100m attack and defense bonus

    note sorry for all spelling errors
  2. Re: new war pots/mith spell

  3. Re: new war pots/mith spell

    No Support
  4. Re: new war pots/mith spell

    Febreeze? Ok. Sure. Yes. I need this now.

    *cough* Amateur *cough*
  5. Re: new war pots/mith spell

  6. Re: new war pots/mith spell

  7. Re: new war pots/mith spell

  8. Re: new war pots/mith spell

  9. I think it's spelled Furbreeze..

  10. Well...this is just...

    A great idea support!
  11. Amazing 
  12. support this thread to protect from the smell of crack