Random no EB days/weeks

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MrSmith, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. I had an epiphany about how to promote warring in this game.

    If you remove the distraction not to war, EBs, the focus lends itself to warring.

    So my concept is random days or a week, dev decided, and with little to no warning, where ebs are not able to be run.

    Just a thought. Happy for it to be shot down.

  2. eb fairies everywhere would cry tears of sorrow. thus, the devs will never do it.
  3. Support!!!!
  4. There's plenty of people who max xtal on EBs daily. Devs would never do it.
  5. Restrict the EB's so they only work at certain times maybe.
  6. No I am not an eb fairy but I don't even like this idea
  7. People eb because real life yes real life gets in the way I'd love to war yet I just ain't got time to sit with my phone in my face 4 two hrs or whatever it is and yer joining a war n not being 100% commited ain't fair on the clan ur waring with and I don't really fancy being farmed by the war clan I let down by my lack of attendance if they lose but yer that's just my opinion 
  8. People that want to war, will war. People that don't, won't.

    There is no need to force people to war that don't want to or don't know how to.

    You have we wars, system wars (no pay out just bragging rights) and you have OSW. There is plenty of war in this game. Stop trying to force people to war if they don't want to.
  9. If someone who enjoys the growing and EB aspect of the game comes on and finds no EB for that day or week, what are the odds they will come back a week later? They probably won't.
  10. I like the thinking of it, you all had double drop EB's, so try no EB's to balance it out. Not the worst idea I've heard

    And then some of these really scary tough guys that EB constantly can finally man up and back up all their big threats in the battle list
  11. My idea to fulfill all the war and farming wishes as well as to let others continue with their EBs and play their own game:

    The KaW Lottery

    1) A randomly selected player (active or inactive) becomes the Winning Lotto Ball.

    2) No matter what their stats, BFA, BFE, etc. they will be "hittable" by ANY player in kaw.

    3) On the first day, each hit and steal returns $100 mil constantly until 26 hits and 18 steal actions have been performed, at which point the player's mechanics are returned to normal.

    4) Each day that player is not hit, the hit and steal returns go up by 10%. So first day, payout is 4.4 bil. Second day, 4.8 bil. Then 5.3, 5.8, 6.4 etc.

    5) KaW posts daily what the payout is

    6) once the player is found, the lottery resets back to 4.4 bil.

    There's the element of risk. Who are you gutsy enough to "probe". There's toughening up the EB fairies (). There's potential for OSWs resulting from hitting clans (you wanna go through the entire clan roster, right? It could be any of them!) And then there's the coordination in hitting your friends, seeing what you made, and learning a little more about the mechanics of the game along the way.

    How many unicorn poop cookies does this idea rate?
  12. Wow that's an awesome idea^ make a thread unicorn
  13. No inactives and id support it.