Rancor Wars: TIme to Place Your Bets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Well, with OSW going the way of the dinosaur thanks to the upcoming Rancor war season, it is time to place your bets as to which clan will come out with the highest prestige at the end of May.

    While many people will just bet on whatever clan Redstar is in, I think the Ya_judgement_fi clan “We’re Screwed” (gotta love that name) will come up on top. Why? Well, the Osw clans are still smarting from their strips, and their BFA is suffering a lot. In addition, just like being good at baseball doesn’t make you ready to play ice hockey, OSW is not the best training ground for EE wars.

    We’re Screwed, however, is a well-oiled machine with a 30-2 EE war record. While half of Kaw was wasting funds on strips, they built up their mith and BFA. Finally, this is Ya_Judgment_fi we are talking about, one of the most dedicated and innovative clans out there. If there is a new trick to win at EE, trust me, Ya_Judgment_fi will be the first to find it. Their Achilles heel seems to be Rising Hawks, the only clan to beat them so far. However Screwed has been in twice as many EE as RH, so I predict they will be able to figure them out if they get matched again.

    So sorry, Zaft, IG, Regulators, and MG, but I don’t think you will be able to recover in time for the Rancor. I predict the Champions this time will be We’re Screwed. Those who agree or think I am full of it, please post below. Phil out.
  2. I've warred we're screwed and they are very strong indeed, I agree
  3. Pillars of chaos are doing well too, And we're screwed has some LB players aswell.
  4. I recently warred them. There was only like 5min in whole bloody war that I wasn't KOed.
  5. Unless ZAFT makes one supreme clan full of their LB player, I doubt they could win (probs 3rd)
    However i think We're Screwed are yet to war the top notch clan like warlor...
    So (taking out my war clan: NWoCB and ToH), my prediction is: WarLor
    -This decision was made by personal experience, WarLor was the only clan I felt took complete control of a war at the very start, they also have experience + members with BFA

    Gd luck to all the rancor warriors and may NWoCB and ToH stay triumphant!
  6. Rising hawks..

    We're screwed will have to avoid matching with rising hawks.

    Then it's a battle between WarLor and RCA in the big clans.

    Medium clans you've got SOTRA.

    Hopefully my clan can finally get to war and dominate the lower brackets >.<

  7. I go for Amun_Ra
  8. And also were screwed isn't Yafi lol. Just neo, ken, Ryan and rocket travel as a team
  9. -RCA- or warlor for bigger clans
    S.o.t.r.a or nwocb for medium
    And -last resort- for smaller 
  10. Rising hawks consists of mostly ex screwed members and a few new very good additions, if they sort their no match problem they are hard to beat.
  11. Last resort eh... I think we'll try match with you guys man for man ;)
  12. And what about Empire rising? We are tough yo you know lol... well we will see who is going to be #1 end of may! Goodluck to all clans/warriors during this season!

  13. We are doing well.
  14. I've yet to face Screwed, but there's a reason they lost to Rising Hawks, the Hawks are brilliant. They have guild hansels with ridiculous amounts of BFA.

    My money's on Rising Hawks to have the highest prestige, yet I don't think they'll finish the season undefeated
  15. We'll see in season 1 val
  16. And ur a lot bigger than us. - your completing haunts when we are just unlocking NML
  17. Oh and btw. Look down our roster tons of worms. Have to use my sig.. Lol

    Atleast my clan Can say we where the closest to beating RH >.> 15 mins more and we woulda.

  18. Pillars of chaos, have a very good record
  19. -RCA- or Amun_Ra 

    Osiris family