Rancor wars equipment

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mahamatra, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. And so we enter into the second week of the rancor wars that have been introduced. Most of us have won a few wars and lost a few wars. But all of us will be wondering what equipment thr devs are gonna give us. Many are also wondering if the given equipment will be fully enchanted when distributed out. And there are those who wonder if they could choose which ewuipment they want from the rancor equipments. Give us a heads up on what equipments are to be given out devs. Pretty excited about them! 
  2. This won't happen... if they reveal them now, guess which 6 red paladin items aren't being purchased for the next 7 weeks.
  3. The waiting is always the hardest part.

    But it's like you have 7 weeks left till Christmas or your birthday and you have $ to spend do you buy what you want or hope someone will give it to you?
  4. but i still wanna know so badly. maybe a hint? lol
  5. There are sic pieces of equipment being given out. We have to fill up 12 slots of equipments for our collection to finish. Won't it be better if we knew the equipment so that we have a choice to make on what equipment to buy to complete it?
  6. Nope. If rather the anticipation and the surprise and Christmas joy I will feel when I find out.
  7. Save your mith till after they are handed out. You'll be fine if you do that.
  8. Thanks worm.. I should probably save mithril for now.
  9. The worm is right! Listen to the worm! The equipment will need upgrades and they will be expensive! Practically guaranteed. Save mith!