rancor wars and Losing

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Your_Ex, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. When you lose a rancor war, you lose gold for pots, mith you casted (unless ur a wilders chili tvp chaser) and xtals.
    On top of this you lose ee and a rancor level.
    In my opinion the rancor level should not be lost.
    Now I'm not saying give everyone max rancor equip, I just think the change to your rancor level upon a loss should be neutral. /-0
    This would make peoples less bothered about mis matches as they wouldn't lose their treasured rancor.


    Only the active members don't lose a rancor level, inactives still lose one


    Top X in plunder/hits/kos on war roster don't lose one, rest do

    People who max xtalled ( 1 or 2 dependent in war length) during the war don't lose, rest do.

    War roster 1-5 gains one, 6-10 neutral, 11-20 lose one, 21-end lose 2 levels

    Thanks as usual, feedback much appreciated.

    Trolls and flamers keep out
  2. You would say this Jade.

    Learn to play... Noob.
  3. Anarchy if you have nothing useful to say can you leave my thread? Thank you
  4. What I said was just as useful as this post was.
    Considering nothing here will ever even reach to devs...

    Achievement Get:
    Waste 10 minutes of your life on a thread

  5. Firstly, you wouldnt lose a war then post this thread if it was a close one. So why not encourage more clans to war? This will give better matchups.
    Anyway, i disagree with the ideas, except for the max xtal one.
  6. Cam - I didn't post this after losing, I've been thinking of posting it for a while.
  7. Go away,for a start devs being good enough to give double to winners so no don't reward lose...im guessing you supported obama care.
  8. I'm not rewarding losers u idiot I'm just no punishing them as much!
    Also I supported Romney so... fail
  9. Support especially with these crap matchups!!!!!!!!
  10. nick- andddddd im not getting the minute it took to read and post this back dam life sucks

    Oh and NO
  11. What if everyone in KaW who has ever signed up for an EE war gets all the Rancor Equipment automatically?
  12. At least then some balance would be added back to the game and there would be less of a pay to win scenario going on.
  13. Lol who cares if you lose don't be a butt hurt chump about it Jade you can't win all of them
  14. Exactly. I hate when people think I'm being sarcastic or trolling, when I'm genuinely trying to help improve their ideas.
  15. ..........wtf
  16. Submit your ideas on kaw admins threads on daily war. More chances theyll see and perhaps consider it.
    Pay no mind to trolls here your op is an idea to get more people interested in warring . And i would definitely love not losing rancor should i lose a war