Rancor Season 1 - Top Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Talbert, May 29, 2013.

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  1. Alright EE lovers! Time to cast your vote for the top five EE clans of Season 1..

    1) You may not vote for your own clan or any clan that you warred FOR more than once
    2) There were a lot of great contenders this season but you must keep your votes to the top five clans only (no honorable mentions or what have you) ;)
    3) You must have warred at least five times in the season to qualify to vote
    4) Base your votes on what you consider to be war skills and legitimate strategy, not on strength or record alone.
    5) You cannot vote for a clan that stopped warring or disbanded before the season ended.
    6) Keep it positive - no name calling or accusations against others. :p

    I'll kick things off with my votes for top five...
    1) Empire Rising - These guys impressed me so much this season. Definitely the most intimidating clan I faced.
    2) WaLor Hellhounds - What started out as a struggling subclan became arguably the most dominate EE clan of the season!
    3) WarLor - Say what you want, WarLor's commitment and drive to uphold a standard of excellence in performance throughout the season was impressive!
    4) RCA - From the start to the finish of the season, RCA consistently smashed the competition
    5) S.O.T.R.A. - I made the mistake of thinking these guys were just another average war clan who got lucky, until I faced them and was proven wrong.

    Let the voting begin!
    Thanks to all who participated!

    Final results:

    1- Rising Hawks (37 Votes) <-Voted #1 TWENTY-SEVEN TIMES
    2- Empire Rising (26 Votes) <-Voted #1 nine times
    2- S.O.T.R.A. (26 Votes) <- Voted #1 five times
    4- WarLoR (25 Votes) <- Voted #1 ten times
    5- RCA (21 Votes) <- Voted #1 seven times

    6-WarLor HellHounds (20)
    6-PERKUTUT ARMY (20)
    8-WarLor WarHounds (16)
    9-Worms (15)
    10-ZAFT Corp. (14)
    10-PoC (14)
  3. SOTRA I warred with them alot they smashed every clan they fought. I've warred against them as much as I have with. Never won against them. Figured cant beat em, join em
  4. Any clan you warred with more than once?

    Warred all the clans in our bracket multiple times so what exactly can I base my opinion on for the clan I can vote for since I haven't ever warred them.
  5. Dragons Sanctuary
  6. Rising hawks because they shine lol :)
  7. Rising Hawks. Dominated whole season. From low tier great clans (worms and others) To high tier clans (Kreu, close matches with warlor).
  8. Warred WITH meaning that you were on their side.... (to avoid biased voting)

    Certainly you can vote for a clan you warred against
  9. I have faced Worms more than that top5
  10. Oh, I see, sorry.


    PoC- Shoutout to them, they were great fun to war, we were a close match. This isn't my top clan just a fun nice clan.

    My top clans:

    SOTRA: The main clan only, a tough clan to war against they were a cut above nearly all the others we fought imo. Not their sub folk though. They used spies who would crystal and open for them, had people change builds in wars, and changed names in wars. Dirty clan who were NOT fun to fight.

    Dragons Sanctuary: They were a tough clan. I expected them to be a noob clan at the start but they really came out and were a strong war clan this season.

    WarLor Hellohounds: Agree with OP, these guys dominated the season and showed how good they are at Rancor wars. Respect I guess..
  11. 1) Rising Hawks
    2) S.o.t.r.a
    3)Pillars of chaos
    4) worms
    5)empire rising

    Would be the clans you'd say "well damn" to when you see the matchup.
  12. pillars of chaos was tough war for a while. sotra has some amazing trackers.
  13. 1. Warlor hellhounds (only warred at that clan once)
    2. Empire- Great clan and well organized
    3. Silver
    4. Empire Rising
    5. -RCA-

    *Note, if I was able to vote for WarLoR or WarLoR Warhounds, I would.
  14. wolves reborn. hands down
  15. Currently in worms because they're the best. Only warred here once though.

    Good clan.
  16. Nobody notices us :(
  17. 1. Rising Hawks: cause gosh frickin darn I have no idea how our commanders and trackers dealt with them. Very interesting clan to war against seeing how they set up their roster.
    2. Empire Rising: another tough one where all I could is barely keep up with our calls.
    3. SOTRA: I didn't participate in this war.... And so glad I didn't. It was tough to watch my clan go against them, SOTRA has a strong strategy.
    4. Worms: your names irritate the living daylights out of me (FYI) and its a very interesting luring strategy they use.
    5. Crackdown: when we warred them it was pretty basic and it wasn't a particularly stand out strategy or set up... It was just their sportsmanship afterwards that caught my attention. I am very fond of this clan and we've lost and won against them. Some of my favorite wars win or lose.

    :) had to come invade your forum topic Tal. 
  18. 1. Rising hawks
    2. Empire rising
    3. Nights watch of castle black
  19. Oh and I cant forget dragons sanc. Always good wars with them. One of the few I always looked forward to facing.
  20. The clans I faced and always provided a tough challenge were: 1) Worms 2) Pillars of Chaos

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