Discussion in 'Wars' started by mastercy, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. I am creating this post in hope that the devs will see my plea and realize what a huge mistake they are making.
    When a clan wins an EE war all the members that participated in the war get 2 spells: EE and rancor. Both of these spells are time bound and expire in 2 weeks unless you warred in the interim. I agree with the devs that EE should be time bound because it gives you special abilities. However, the rancor is of no use what so ever besides for getting the equipment at the conclusion of the season. If the devs want to make it time bound to make it harder to get to a higher level of equipment that is fine; my problem with the system is that when the equipment is being given out, you must have the rancor at that time; I propose that in order to get a piece of equipment it should suffice to have had the necessary rancor level at ANY TIME DURING THE SEASON.
    I beg of you to ask the devs to please change this because it can happen to anyone that something comes up and you can't war anymore after 2 weeks before they give out the equipment.
  2. I understand your idea OP but that probably wont happen
  3. Love that gif
    Also ee is fair work hard for it
  4. When gaining or losing a level, the timer for the spell it reset. So, the person who can't war for the next 2 weeks can try to make it to at least 1 war. Wether they lose or not, their spell timer resets, allowing them to get the equipment.
  5. They dont want you to do one war then stop
  6. Support my rancor ran out just before the end of the season
  7. It encourages players to war more. Devs are clever like that...
  8. I like it for the reason it will allow more clan members chances to war and prove themselves as people reach 50... Obviously a lot of pros and cons but I think encouraging more rotation with the roster cap that is in place is a good thing