Race to a Trillion

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by CarrMato, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. I think that a new war should be added with 100 people in the clan and you do clan vs clan and see who can get war plunder to a trillion first.

    Assuming it will take a long time add mithrel drops in larger sums for winning teams.

    This would probably be a top 10,000 strongest thing because a trill in war is hard to achive so for noobs make one that is to 5 bil.
  2. This idea is bad and you should feel bad
  3. Idea may be bad but why in the hell should he feel bad? Insulting or pointless criticsm won't help.
  4. Horrible ideas come from horrible people.
  5. It took me 11 seals, 36 xstals, and crux chests to get to 1t, and it still took a week.
  6. Long long ago, the primitive kaw dwellers used to pray to their gods known and the OSF, and they would hit the gods and the truly great clans could hit over a trillion during a 24 hour pilgrimage... Soon after this began to happen, the overbearers (devs) banished the gods and made it illegal to pray to them... (insert Ebs)

    So there you have it folks... This is why we can't have nice things anymore, because of the greedy devs
  7. It's not pointless criticism. His idea is terrible and makes no sense.

    By criticizing him I may prevent more future bad ideas.
  8. Idea may be horrible, but do you think calling a person horrible will help in the future so this won't happen again?

    Why is this community so toxic 
  9. Then give him criticsm which helps for example explaining why it's a bad idea instead of just bashing on somebody.
  10. Please describe where I called a person "horrible".

    I didn't.

    Now quit twisting words.
  11. River if you wouldn't use such a stupid build you wouldn't need so long 
  12. This was directed to satan. Not to you:)
  13. Okay.

    This idea is bad because it makes no sense and is impossible to do with the current game mechanics since mithril isn't achievable from declaring wars.

    Happy now? Lol
  14. I still think my answer was the best...

    Just saying
  15. Much happier  it's just.. I read forums now and then and all the time it's mostly people bashing on each other. Nothing personal against you:)
  16. Prime, I agree:p sad truth though.
  17. If people weren't stupid there would be no reason to bash them
  18. There's no helping stupid.. Trust me, I know 
  19. Agree. Still bashing won't help anybody. But I doubt this will change here 
  20. Jeez river that sucks. It took me 4 hours to get a trillion gold with crux chests