Race Hate: Too Close For Comfort

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. I am as some kawers know of a mixed ethnic background. I however am proud to call myself Northern Irish.
    An old(ish) article I came across really shocked me: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&sourc ... htGow5JdCw

    That was unexpectedly large :D

    Northern Ireland has been dubbed the race hate capital of Europe.

    It appears the sectarianism in Northern Ireland has been replaced by a wave of race hate. I have personally experienced some. I actually enjoy edgy comedy and jokes on race religion etc. I know that that is not hate.

    Race hate is something I thought was hopefully dying out. Sadly it isn't.

    What are your views on racist attitudes in your community/country/province?

    I shall end on this note:
  2. I am from South Africa. I grew up during the apartheid years. I have experience firsthand how damaging race hate can be for families, communities and my country.
    My views are very simple. We are all the same. If we cut ourselves our blood are red, whether you rich, poor, white or black-its all the same. If you die and are buried, the worms eat us all. There are no worms for rich people, poor people or white or black people. The worms do not discriminate.
  3. Imma quote this
  4. Great post.
  5. My local metropolitan city had 11400 recorded hate/race incidents in the year ending 2014
  6. Across country year ending 2014 there were 42236 recorded race/hate crimes, the trend being a steady rise of 5% per annum
  7. Most worrying stats I found, 88000 recorded race/hate crimes across country year ending 2014, were in schools.
  8. Race hate has become a problem in Northern Ireland but it has not replaced sectarianism. Protestant and catholic communities still remain largely divided in some places, you don't go certain places if you are wearing a Rangers or Celtic shirt, few schools are integrated and they are either majority Protestant or majority Catholic and some soldiers are still scared to say they are soldiers if they are in a certain area.
  9. Regardless of skin colour, we are more alike than different, which, oddly is why I think racial conflict is inevitable .

    People are naturally an agressive species. People and ants are the only two species on the planet that wage organized war.

    People will always fight. If you remove the racial component, they will fight over religion. If you remove religion they will fight over resources. If you remove resources, people will fight for entertainment.

    We are all very much alike, and since we are a violent species, conflict will happen from now until extinction. The only thing that changes is the excuses
  10. There's no such thing as racism. Just inferior people feel discriminated for being inferior.
  11. You want race hate, try working in Oakland for two years.

    I've had my window spit on, verbal threats. Do not venture inward from Embarcadero if you value your life.

    Anybody, all races, can be racist.
  12. totally agree, there's no easy fix in N.I. it's better than it was, but if your forces you don't advertise it still
  13. people gonna hate
  14. The stories I've heard of Ireland make our worst American cities seem petty.
  15. Oh I know that. Some of Ireland sounds damn rough.

    But if you want example A of a "rough" racist, violent, drug ravaged city, look no farther than Oakland or Chicago.
  16. Parts are rough if you aren't used to it I suppose but when you live in Ireland things don't seem rough at all, especially when we look back on what our lives were 30-40 years ago when the troubles were at their height.
  17. Yeah. The north seems really bad to people who dont live here. It has improved. The divisions are continuing through generations but it is less prominent than it was. I am of a catholic backround. I go to a Protestant school. Many of my friends have Orange Order backgrounds. They march etc. Few are actually bitter however.
  18. I agree with moose on this one. Humans as a whole have always been aggressive which is why combat sports like boxing and wrestling are still popular. Many years back it was gladiator fights. No matter what we find fighting interesting as it's built into us.

    Call of duty is still one of the most popular franchises out there and yet again it's war based.

    Humans fight and we are very good at finding a reason to.
  19. Racism = selfish pride and sinful prejudice

    This sinful world desperately needs the Savior from Heaven

    Merry Christmas