Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lIlIlIDo-YoU_eVeN-lIfTlIlIl, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. If you are going to be a dick, dont even read from this point on.

    So, I need to get some things off my chest. I need to type it out, and yes I do need to click post.
    If i dont click post, and instead i just delete it, it wont be the same.
    im in a poemy mood, so it might sound in poem form. But, my cousin was found dead in a hotel room on monday, and i have just decided to write a poem, directed as if he was actually reading it..


    My favorite cousin, yes its true.
    My thoughts always return to you.

    You died on Monday, the worst on of all.
    Here is how I think of you:

    You have the baggy sweatpants,
    That fit just right, and perfect for doing the WOP

    The hoodie, that smells like beer,
    and a little bit like pot.

    Your glasses that you never lose, but forget to take off
    The shoes that always smell and were never new.

    Your hair, always washed, but never brushed,
    Your bracelet, which is left with me. I will always wear it.

    We used to walk that long, but fun, mile to watch them make glass.
    We used to walk back, and play in puddles.
    I'd be soaked and you'd be perfectly dry.

    Our grandmother asked how i could get so dirty on a simple walk around the block.
    Little did she know we were actually in the next town over, she would beat our ass.

    And you always pretended to be "magic" and made me fly from the logs.
    You always protected me from myself, and the bad people in town.
    God knows there was many.

    Then, when we got older, you'd get drunk, and I'd bring you home.
    I'd protect you from yourself. Your suicide attempts, and your foolish fights.

    We saved eachother, so many times. But you didnt tell me the rest...
    The other drugs you did. The heroine, the acid, the morphine and such.
    Kind of odd that duster killed you.

    And of everything about your life i wish i knew, i wish i knew why your friends are lying.
    What they are hiding. Why they are confusing their stories.

    What really happened? Will I ever know?
    Did you suffer? Did you die slow?

    Of all the things, I wish i knew the ending of our story..

    Grammar nazis, and trolls better stay away because this is personal and i have no wheres else to post this, and its the only way im ever going to be able to say goodbye.
  2. I never read just saying have fun
  3. well written poem Lovely hun.. Sorry to hear about that news#

    Any trolls or negitivity on this thread will get my foot up their ass.
  4. I'm so sorry. Sounds like he was a great friend. Nice poem btw
  5. KaW forums isn't the place for this...
  6. If you read, i dont have anywheres else to post this, and i feel as if it NEEDS to be posted.
  7. :cry: nice poem hun..
  8. Write it down on a piece of paper, email it to your friends and family, but don't post it on a war game's forum. What is this place coming to :mad:
  9. Don't listen to the idiots on this game. Nice poem
  10. Sorry for your loss

  11. Its in off topic. If they are in the "off topic" section, you OBVIOUSLY arent looking for something war related.

  12. Sorry for your loss.

    It's always tough when a close family member passes away. This is a lovely tribute to a life that seemed very loved.

    I personally had my grandmother pass away a few montgs ago and it still seems unreal to think that I'll never be able to visit her, hear her heartwarming stories, and enjoy the simple pleasant moments in life with her any more.

    Hopefully you can get through this dark moment in your life and try to look towards the brighter side of life. :(
  13. Whoever the **** is stealing me, you better hope like hell you dont fail.
  14. Sorry to hear. But don't you have any friends you could have told this too? I'm just wondering why you posted it on a war games forums where people won't enjoy it as much as your family members would.

    Just my 2¢
  15. Be a dick? How am I being a dick by stating that this isn't the place for this?

    Now, I'll leave this thread merely because I have better things to do with my time.

  16. Babes, i think my family has read enough sad things on FB.
    especially with all the lies his "friends" are spreading
  17. Rest In Peace~ :'(
  18. Whoever is stealing my alt, feel free to use this link to my main.

    Man up.
  19. My condolences to you