quotation fail guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Battle-Bunny (01), Nov 12, 2012.

  1. [Color=greenHey guys !! Kitty here And if your quotes are failing then here is the answer !![/color]

    :( I forgot !!
    You can check dilly bars thread , but this one is only of quoting

    First , remember . The slash is / not \
  3. Bbcode fail at the top
  4. Its still good though
  5. Next , if you can't post your quote , then you can try to ,
    1.Delete emoji If you used it
    2.make it at least 2 lines long
    3.turn off sticky keys

    And I'm not done yet with this thread
  6. Next , is you use too many bb codes in one post , then it will fail
  7. Still unnecessary. Thread already made
  8. Good i need help... I fail most times
  10. And you can quote things that don't exist !!
  13. Misquotting is against the ToU.
  14. Sorry, not misquotting but rather posting quotes of people that they didn't say.
  16. Oh sorry didn't know that