quick question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by purespyawsumspy, May 12, 2010.

  1. does troop count affect number of hits per regen
    is there a standard formula to find # of hits per regen?
  2. 24hits
    but sometimes you use more troops/hit
  3. Its 24hits/regen for troops, not sure about spies. 19-20/regen?
  4. ok so the number is fixed for troop and spy no matter how many max troops you have?
  5. Technically, thats the maximum amount you CAN hit. You usually loose more troops per hit on most targets.
  6. Can't You Ask A Clan Mate?
  7. Why bump this thread from 3 years ago?
  8. 24 For attack, and 36 for spy I believe.
  9. Last- because some people are idiots :(
  10. Spies is excactly 36 for assassination
  11. Idiots are answering a three year old thread :roll: :lol:
  12. -______WOOOOOOOOOOOOW____-