Here is a quick guide to bfa / bta calculations, I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. This is my 1st post to include pics so please bear with me if they fail. First off there are 3 types of stats, these are all found within your profile: 1) Actual Stats 2) Bonus To Allies 3) Bonus From Allies When you search to hire allies you see there BTA stats If you buy them there stats get collectively added to your BFA. The picture below shows the two multiple Allies BTA combined to create my BFA. These are the basic stats are all inter linked. Your BTA is your max actual stats times by 0.02 and you max actual stats are your BTA x 50. Most people accept the Bta format when talking about stats. Your full strength is not your bta + bfa. To get an idea of your full strength you would either add your bfa to actual stats and times by 0.02 or times your bfa by 0.02 and add to your bta This is only a quick post, I will try to update soon if pics work, but your total max strength can be worked as follows (bta x pi) + ( bfa + p + e + m x 0.02) bta = bonus to allies pi = permanant items bfa = bonus from allies p = pots e = equipment m = mith Although the equipment is a % bonus to buildings I belive it gives it to you in a number format that is why placed with mith, bfa etc. This info can come in handy when trying to work out your build around allie strength or wanting to take out an opponent. Within this thread I plan to talk about allies pricing, resets, bfa over last lands / buildings etc, just need time to get used to posting pics :?