What kind of items would you recive and what is the chance of earning one? I've gotten nobility but not items
U don't get "items" like pots u get crystals and nobility there's a great thread by toast in one of the forums that's stickied it tells u what u get an when u get it ༺Chris༻
Oops, I guess I got the wrong copy paste. You get nobility rarely, estimated between .5-2% Crystals are so rare that you'll probably do a few thousand quests before getting one.
Really? I've gotten 2 out of about 10,000 quests (I've reset). Because the chance is so low, that's not really enough data to figure out the drop rate.
You get crystals and nobility points Crystal payout starts at one and goes to 5 for completing a certain level of quest example Complete quest 4,5,6,7,8 may give you 3 crystals once quest 8 is complete (note this was just an example you'll have to complete the quest to work out the real payout pattern) Nobility is paid out on a percentage You can do the easiest quest none stop to earn them. Hope this helped
Alot of times when u finish a quest, u will get a bunch of free xstals. The last quest which is the hardest, gives u ten free.
I've done 21,000 quests. Not counting nobs from completing the initial quests, I've gotten around 210 nobs. So right around 1% (1/100) chance.