Questions RE Chaos Wars for Devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jensational, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. *Can we keep EE if we change clans? Or can you change it so that we can same as season 2?
    *Can you please go back to posting who warred and no matches as you do during season wars?

    Keeping EE is the main one, for all same reasons as for S2, and now with 50 roster minimums, some clans are going to have to combine to even make a roster. A good number of clans have to get mercs for war and struggle to even get 26. If we can't keep EE, half the people winning wars will have no EE to show for it.

    Thanks for reading, hope you take a moment to answer.
  2. Post this on the forum devs made else it will not be answered.
  3. They already changed it... Yes, of course you keep EE when switching clans...
  4. Cool, thanks Phoenix. Would still like to see who warred and the no matches tho :)