questions concerning towerbuilding and ultimate plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Petryuz, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. ==> How can I obtain the best plunder by ultimately reserving some (say 20%) cs for static defense?

    I assume the best would be to build my towers on hflands since:
    1) It would require less towers to be build; as I understood it these towers do not only not add plunder but actually reduce it.
    2) HF lvl3 buildings do not add much more plunder than level3 HL buildings do?

    1) is another assumption as hf towers might decrease plunder to a much higher extent.
    2) is actually just another assumption as I have to admit not to understand what the mechanism behind obtained plunder in relation to your build exactly is. It might be the case that HL buildings simply add more plunder. I think you cannot even simply add up some plunder of individual buildings. Could someone please elaborate?

    If the answer is to build towers on HFlands the downside would be a very expensive towerbuild only obtained at a late stage in development. Perhaps several hl or ll towers could later be demolished and transferred to hf at less expense than saving up to 400b at a rather early stage of development.
  2. Personally I set aside 20 lands for towers. My spy towers will be hl, since I don't need them as bad (cause hansel.) And my HF lands house adt, since I'd prefer level 5 adt over sdt.
    As for the actual plunder kill... Not really sure it's noticeable between HL or HF tbh.
  3. I believe adt should be on the low lands or the high lands. Not on the horefrost lands. The reason is the cost. ADT are cheaper than equivalent buildings on the LL
  4. Stupid ampersand. 

    That should read. "On the LL and the HL. They cost the same as the other buildings on the HFL.

    Just my opinion."
  5. Nope stay with HF and HL only for any towers....

    If you don't your a idiot and deserve the severe cut in plunder and "I told ya so afterwards"

    As far as which it doesn't matter experiment towers depend on you're individual play style

    And before anyone says " you don't have towers you know nothing" I had 34 sdt and 14 adt before I converted to straight pure hansel ️️
  6. What's a tower 
    HL?? Horrefrost??? Ultamite Pwunder?!?
  7. Plunder loss from towers is relative to the stats given by such tower. Hl and hf towers are very similar stats ar lvl3 so both drops should be fairly similar.
    The main difference in plunder drop for some players is that in order to lets say get 400sdt they build 3 sdts lvl 1 in hf instead of 1 an upgrading.
    The more towers you have. The more cs from towers you have from your total cs will affect even more your plunder.

    In my opinion. This is entirely up to you. My towers are in HL since they are easier cost friendly to rebuild if taking a hiatus from wars.
    I have 8 hl sdts and 6 hl adts. Those give me a static of 2 mil each which is fair for wars.

    I did reserve my last 3 hf lands for sdts which upgraded to lvl 3 will result in a total of 2.8 sdt.
    Of course. Since hf will have a lvl 4 and 5, im expecting it to rise just shy of 3.5 on lvl5. Which is perfect.

    Ll towers will murder your plunder as youll need a lot to get some serious stats

    Hope this helped you. And questions feel free to follow and ill help any other way i can
    Happy kawing