Questions about wars

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. Im a returning player, the last time I played Lowlands were not pre-unlocked and there was definitely not a week long plunder bonus. Ive grown to almost BC on lowlands in 3 days where as that would take me probably weeks couple months when I last played (I did not play much then).

    So that said now that I want to begin participating in wars. Is there a complete "idiots" guide to wars anywhere out there? That is not dated? I tried searching around but that only led to me having more questions. I really have no clue what Id be doing but Id like to try one out if anyone knows of a SUPER basic level guide pls let me know where to look thanks
  2. Estoc war guide is the only guide i can find though there is a better one.
    But tbh warring itself is probably the best way to learn but look around to not be completely lost in wars though ur war commander(basically the person who gives targets to each person) should help u out by explaining what they want u to do in pm
  3. Also in ur current bracket(determined by ur cs) shouldn't be too hard to start mostly people are inactive and usually no best place to start is by simply casting for a war
  4. Maybe it's worth making an updated guide.
  5. My only concern is how much gold Im going to lose learning how to do this. What all do I need besides defense potions before starting one? Any basic tips like that and Id love to try my only real concern is gold or being a burden to my team.
  6. 1. The burden thing: its just a game doesn't matter also 'good' at indi simply means have towers and bfa and good at LL wars means u can sit in front of PC and spam for s hour

    2.don't bother with def pots for now maybe some att ones to ensure success when event finishes u can prob go there if decide to go Hansel (safest but boring build if u dont want towers) then u don't need ADP but if u decide to be a att/hyb with towers than u need def items

    3.don't worry so much about it lol u will make occasional mistakes but just do what others are doing and u will be good :)
  7. Sonneone needs to make a guide about war builds and their pros and cons in war :(
  8. I made one earlier but can't find it,working on it again.But that was about 3 months back and ll wars changed quite a lot since then.