Hey, I have lowlands maxed with lvl 3 sos. And guilds on highlands. Should i go sos on HL or build volarys instead? How should i go about building the volarys? Build a lvl 1 or straight to lvl 3 or build sos then switch to volary? Any help is appreciated. I have 24 lvl 3 SoS. 2 colonies(1 lvl 1, 1 lvl 2). And 10 lvl 4 guilds.
Get halfway through highlands (if you as not already) and build guilds on them. Once you get there build Lv1 Volarys on all of them and upgrade to lv3 then continue with rest of lands. your plunder should change that much, it may get better I can't remember.
Yup, from what I've seen about t5, best way is to convert them to level 1 volaries (don't have to do all at once) and then just upgrade to level 3 one by one.
I upgrade 2 at a time to lv3, then I do 2 more. Volary is the spy building u will end up with and guilds give good plunder, do I say u jump right on to t5. They are expensive but will get u where u want to b