Questions about clan's activity check

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RedPrincess, May 17, 2015.

  1. Hi,

    I have a question about how do some clans perfomance activity checks, sometimes i've seen weird numbers and dates in the user title, but dpn't know how those are calculated.

    The reason I ask is maybe in the future, i'll want to create a clan :lol: and can't find guides to create and manage a clan :|

  2. those titles are usually about when the player joined the clan and how much actions he's been doing in ebs
    and you can perform activity checks by posting on their wall "Reply back if active" or maybe "say hi in cc if active"
  3. the numbers are battles won and the date of writing the title, so if you look a week later and you see battles won barely barely increased you can see he's inactive
  4. Your title is

    Battles won / quests completed. Date recorded
  5. Can't read I'm red blue colour blind try again please
  6. Hourly checks can tell you when is a good time to strip someone.
  7. Blue and purple are impossible to read for me...
  8. Go Froggie go.
  9. How did you know it was purple, if you can't see purple.... #sorrynotsorry
  10. LOL, edited color :lol:

    thanks for replying