Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIXx_MaTrIx_ShAdOw_xII, Feb 17, 2012.

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  1. I have a question, how do you get items like other people with the Sword of something and the reddish body armor?
  2. The destroyer he's you armor, city of TE dead the sheld, an fegeure of death the sword
  3. By completing epic battles The Destroyer, City of the Dead and Figure of Death.

    Some people seem to have gotten confused with this --- Ambush DOES drop pots, but NOT equipment.
  4. Thank you guys I couldn't figure it out
  5. Question answered

  6. Not only by completing them though, you have to get lucky and get the drop. People think every action is like a ballot that gives you a tiny % chance to obtain these drops. The % chance is very low. So its pretty much down to luck getting them item.

    The Destroyer = Armor of Eternal Fire (5% bonus to spy defense). City of the Dead = Glittering Shield (5% bonus to defense). Lastly Figure of Death = Abyssal Sword (5% bonus to Attack AND Spy Attack).
  7. *ballot and Ice guardian's shield :)
  8. I put ballot ;) and ice guardians shield?! :shock:
  9. My alt's equipment page says that for the sheild. Ice Guardian's Shield.
  10. What the..I'll have to check into this madness.
  11. I though abyssal sword gave 10% o attack and spy attack
  12. It is 10%, not 5%.

    And yes, it is the Ice Guardian's shield, not the Glittering Shield :p
  13. question answered locking thread :D
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