
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llI_Owen_Ill, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Hi KaW, I've just Lc'ed with just forges in one week, and I don't know what to do now. I want to be mainly attack build- should I explore highlands, covert forges to t3 or convert to t4? Ty
  2. First collect cash than convert to T3 or buy the first five new lands
  3. Take it slow, buddy. Convert T3
  4. Owen, you reaise that 10 of our other clan members that are on could answer this.
  5. Oh yeah zero
  6. I would convert to t3.

    Subterranean Factories have higher attack

    Summoning circles have more defense but better plunder

    I'm not sure about the others. Lol

    My original T3 build:
    2 Guilds
    10 Subterranean Factories
    12 Summoning circles

    That gave me pretty even stats, a tad higher defense though.
  7. I have
    6 Lvl3 Subs.
    6 Lvl3 Summoning Circs.
    6 Lvl3 War Aviaries
    6 Lvl4 Guilds
    1 Lvl2 Castle
    2 Lvl1 Circ. Of Elements
    1 Lvl1 Cursed Foundry

    Crazy Sixes?
  8. T3 then get first 4 highlands with either guilds or circles