Here are some easy questions... Enjoy! Given the alignment of the moon and the sun, how many babies are left in my garage after last night's feast? A) Banana B) Puppy Farts C) The Planet Jupiter D) My Mother's precious peace lilly What was the favourite colour, of the Binary System, of the first human? A) B B) C C) D D) A What was the name of the smallest dinosaur ever? A) 108%100 B) Esophagusingfuydisoppjuicavbeenmeynjatusanafalguyhgfryiopkitis C) Your Mom D) Jesus King What is the difference between a triangle and a banana? A) The square route of -1 B) Monty Python C) One whole swallow D) The mutant baby of Justin Bieber and a blind chipmunk who is JB's sister If X=X, the which of the following is true? A) Your sister's Virginity B) Zoidberg eating the hand of a gynecologist C) The edge of the universe D) The last great ruler of the Persian Empire Thanks, have fun working it out!