Perhaps this question have already be ask ... But why the guild give more plunder than the SOS who are more expensive, and who give more stats ? Ps : Sorry for the bad english, i'm french
The do give more plunder but the stats to plunder ratio is worst than guilds People say they don't is mainly because they are to nooby and can't afford a maxed out SOS and try to bring down everyone else to there level
I'm sure Wulf covered this in one of his threads. If I remember correctly Wulf stated that "A kingdom with 24 SOS (lvl 3) will pay out more than a Kingdom with 24 guilds (lvl 4) though not by much" . When I converted my guilds to sos and vols (in Highlands) my plunder did rise. In war it is a different story a guild hansel can make more due to nechanics of the game. Hope this helps answer your Question.
Gild get you plunder sure.., but not stats. If you want stats plunder get SOS. But the downside they cost alot. Guilds are big plunder for no cost. Depends what you want.
T5 attack makes more when skimming, T5 hansel makes the most on unloads. Hybrid is somewhere in between depending on build. Guild hansels are below all three as far as haunting.
In my opinion and Experiance I would say a Hansel pays out more on completion bonus. (If it is an EB ) in War however Attack builds make most plunder, Unless there up against a Gh then its slightly different, I may be wrong if someone know's different feel free to correct me.
@Reeb: not quite sure who makes most between a T5 att or hansel on a haunting, but certainly both do more than a guild hansel. The T5 att build gets its gold on att troop skimming as immediate payout, the hansel gets it as endbonus after skimming his spies. Just one observation: Being a hansel is no fun in most newer ebs as the end reward of those really sucks... There you're usually better off as a hitter. Guild hansel is a build mainly for rapid growth, it is the one leading fastest to land complete. It usually isn't seen as a desired end-game build except for banks (or EE wars...). And it certainly isn't the way to go I would recommend to a new player as it is prone to boredom. Most guild hansels are alts (or veterans that converted). PS: Si t'as besoin de conseil, n'hésite surtout pas à demander...
I've been in back to back haunting clans where all of the top players were t5 HLBC. Usually it all came down to number of actions in the end, although an OSF (all troops) makes crazy plunder. The guild hansels there couldn't out earn the big builds unless they had a large advantage on the number of actions. For what it's worth.
I agree, all of the scorpion series EBs favor troop builds. Sometimes I can pull over a billion bonus on them, but compare that to a 5 billion bonus on haunting or a 11 billion bonus on Figure of Death... lol.