Question on Hansel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Vontez, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. A lcbc hansel with one attack building and 23 guilds earn the most plunder before the new building came out.
    Each time the hansel sells off a guild lv4 to put a Stronghold lv3 plunder actually drops.
    What I want to know is will there come a point in time whereby the hansel with SOS gets more plunder than the normal hansel?
    If so how many SOS is needed to achieve this?
  2. Good question!
  3. Well with every SoS your plunder drops, how should there be a point when a t4 hansel makes more money than a t3 one?
  4. Your plunder 'max' increases with each SOS however you Make less due to the size difference getting smaller.....

    So, no you make less with each subsequent SOS....

    I think
  5. Your plunder drops with an SOS because you get stronger and therefore you have closer stats to your farms. When you have equal or more stats you get barely any money. That's why it drops. Unless new buildings come out, they will never increase in plunder.
  6. Damn... Lol
  7. So even a mb hansel with one t4 attack building and all SOS will lose out in plunder to a t1 hansel?
    I know the theory of as u get stronger relative to ur opponent, u will get less plunder.
    But for attack kingdoms, as u up each t4 to lv3 plunder increases.
    So this defeat the theory suggested by some ppl.
    The decrease only comes about at a certain point, which is unclear when.

    So I was hoping that likewise for hansel, there will be a point in time whereby u have set up enough SOS and plunder will actually be higher than that of the plunder of a T1 hansel.
    For it doesnt make sense that a t2 hansel will forever generate less plunder than a t1 hansel.
    Is the plunder cap from a guild lv4 actually higher than that of a sos lv3?

    Those who dun know the answers to the questions posed pls do Nt attempt to answer.
    Thank you.
  8. SoS lvl 3 has less plunder then a t1 guild lvl 4.. So unless devs decide to one day add a lvl4 SoS the hansel build will nit generate the most plunder..
  9. I loose about 200 k plunder every upgrade I have made on SOS. You are getting stronger so you earn less. T4 attack buildings get so much because they have no spy buildings, so their stats are far from BC OSFs. So they get more.
  10. However, they still have spies to steal+do stuff with.
  11. You better find a bigger target... you'll make more with a t2 hansel off of bigger targets then your t1 hansel. Of course you will lose plunder as you get bigger if you continue to hit the same target... this is no different from upgrading to t4 buildings from t3's. Plunder will drop in each situation when you "pick on the weak". So to speak.