Hi I'm doing a research paper and this will be my research question that I have to answer. The question: "Does the media's portrayal of violence in cases like Baltimore, MA affect public opinion?" Make sure to use evidence on where you got your info, so if I like your post I'll be able to use it on my research. [It'll be great if you guys can look at it in a different lens when it comes to this question, for example it'll be great if someone can look at it in a political view or a psychological view] the more unique your view is the more helpful it'll be to my paper]
It'll be amazing if you guys can help me. But you can choose not help me. Please don't troll. Thank you
It depends overall as to the amount of violence and what exactly is being shown to what age group. Either way most adolescents experiencing heavy enforced trauma without a clear understanding of what is going on or why. In reality or on a video game/TV will still show effects on their mental behavior later in life. As those get older they can be shown more trauma and violent things as their mental state is more matured and capable of handling this with little questioning as they understand the basis for the behavior. The media can influence people but mainly it is the younger people that are more affected I believe. From a psychological point of view this is. Politics can't help you there.
Not as much as you think, just go check the numbers of viewers to the total population of the news networks. Not all viewers actually accept all the information as well so the numbers are even lower. I think they try to influence public opinion. CNN and MSNBC have horrid ratings in the US. They use tragedy to get ratings, then they can try to attempt to influence public opinion. Fox is it's own beast. They cater to their viewers opinion. Which gives them high ratings. Then they try to influence peoples opinion. The keyword is they try. Good or Bad. IMO the more intelligent people. The ones actively searching for information and understanding are at most risk of being influenced. The people who don't care. Just don't care. They are living their lives.
I think that people are sheep, and the media herds them into a flock of patheticness. Media only portrays things that will worry or shock people. If it bleeds, it leads.... There are plenty of crime sprees, dirty people in all positions of job employment, etc.... All these rioters and picketers etc are idiots. Yea yea, white cops killed a few black citizens that were or were not following the law. Black cops kill white people, white cops kill white people, asian cops kill people, etc etc, but when things like this hit the media and al sharpton cries racism, the media picks and chooses what it wants to report on. And in an effort to sway the publics opinion, they chose white on black issues that are actually the 1% of occurences like that... And look at how people react, pretty easy to see. Media is lame. And incorrectly viewed by many low intelligence individuals
Movies and Music have more influence then news on popular believes and opinions. Sit coms. The entertainment.
Their portrayal of most events influence me to turn it off after about 5minutes because after that they just loop the same rhetoric and videos over and over till the next anchor is on and the cycle repeats itself.
Hell yes, look at Ferguson. If media hadn't boomed it up like it had, people wouldn't have died and property wouldn't have been destroyed.
good idea op cause like teaches always reward ditchin your work and askin the opinions of a bunch of anonymous 9+ year old trolls (giggle)
Watchgirl. It's has 9 letters in its name. 9 divided by 3 is 3. That's 2 3's. 2 3's makes 33. 33 is a degree in free masonry. Illuminati confirmed. #killuminati 2015 Death 2 the Infidels
Quoting a bunch of random people on this game, no matter how qualified any of us may be, is not wise. That being said I do think media can absolutely affect public opinion. Fact of the matter is situations like police killings. A few black men around the country get killed by police and the media covers it like a terrorist attack. A white guy in California gets killed by police and they don't mention it at all. Or a Jewish couple gets killed, the media might not cover it, or it gets down played. Point is, they can make anything extreme and push people into thinking it is bigger or smaller than it actually is. The US media is incredibly biased for their own gain. Media around the world has plenty of examples that are more objective than the US. They made the Ebola issue sound like a plague when in reality no one had any real danger. People bought survival kits, stocked up on supplies, everything possible in case. That wouldn't have happened had the media been reasonable and told the truth about the tiny tiny chance of anything bad happening.
Does it affect public opinion of what? Does media coverage of violence affect public opinion of the merits of cosmetic surgery? Probably not. Please be more specific.
Simple, look at Ferguson, then at Baltimore. If main stream media never covered the violence, then most of you probably would never know it happen.
Right, because there has never been riots or civil unrest before cable news. Baltimore is a corrupted city. The teachers have all the resources they could ever want and refuse to teach proper. They use the money on themselves. It's was only a matter of time. If you really look at Baltimore, it went pretty well. The city pulled together and did the best they could in those circumstances. The paid protesters left town with their tails between their legs. The rest is just political grandstanding. IMO. The biggest part of the locals abided by curfew and wanted no problems. They just want heard. I was watching a live stream of the out of town protesters. They were mad at the "gang members" for telling them to go home and not break curfew. They were saying they should over run them because they had more numbers. I watched them talking about it on periscope. It told they are morons and they shouldn't be starting trouble. They are lucky when they got scattered and stumbled into people's back yards they didn't get killed.