Question for the PvP community

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Yerushalaim, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. This is specifically for the members of the PvP community that are asking for incentives for waring in their preferred fashion.

    I was wondering how many of you will feel if the devs create a PvP system that you have to put money into. To play ee it costs me $1 a war. If I warred as frequently as I filled out doodle, these days, (which being a mid sized hybrid THAT doesn't happen) my cost would go up to $5 to $7 a week.

    If the PvP system that is created costs a comparable amount in money as does estoc will you object to this? Please tell me why if it would.
  2. From the pvp community:

  3. Pvp costs much more than your dollar a day.
  4. This is an odd question coming from a player.
  5. Who needs a system to PvP. The true PvPers don't want equipment rewards. If you see me, if you see us in your news, there's only one thing we want. You're blood. Not for some shiny armour.
  6. Why would you even ask this?
  7. If they used my one v one estoc battle idea or something similar I would spend some money on it. It would be something to do in spare time for fun so beer money expense most probably.
  8. @imitation cheese. Why is it odd?

    @val. Sorry bud. There are a lot of PvP people who want incentives. You need only scroll the threads of forums. There are regularly new threads suggesting different ways to create drops for PvP

    I'm asking because I get the impression many don't want to pay money for a PvP system that rewards with drops whatever those drops may be. So I want to see if my impression is right.
  9. Lol those guys ain't PvPers tey are EE fairies that can't even win at EE and want another way to get equip
  10. All I could really understand is the money part about the $1 per xtal, so that stuff... But if PvP were to have to do the same stuff would we... I don't know. I'm sick, need to go rest... :p
  11. Uh... Didn't follow all that snap. =)
  12. Spending RL money on xstals are not required but are considered to be the norm because other players do it. No one is forcing you to use xstals . Normally you would get the regular regen rate of a FB/hr.

    The same applies to PvP as well (notice that I said it in the present tense and not the conditional future). If you want to make more actions than a full bar in one hour then you have to use xstals for that.

    Why do the devs "need" to make a system that charges for PvP? There is no system that charges for EE. A de-facto standard for xstaling in EE was made by the KaWmunity. Besides, it's understandable that if the Bounty Hunter plan goes ahead (support to that idea BTW) then it would indeed be advantageous to use xstals.

  13. It's odd because I can't see any reason why a player would need to ask this, as I don't see how a player's willingness to pay to play a particular way is relevant to another player.

    Why should a player's willingness to pay to play affect another player? It seems like something only a developer would care to know, as it has no effect on your ability to play, and only the developers stand to benefit from such knowledge.
  14. @imitation cheese. Who NEEDS to ask any question on these forums? My curiosity is justification enough.

    @amigo. I didn't say you had to pay. I did ask what people would do if it costs them a comparable amount. So... I play ee and it costs $ but not necessarily because the devs make me pay it... but they DID create the system that I pay $ money for. So as you can see my question is not incorrect.
  15. Real PVP costs much more money than EE

    You obviously have never been in a war room on a big strip. I can hear a dev fire up a new Ferrari every time I see someone drop off the lb
  16. Some wastes 1/2 xtals on ee

    On strips/osw or one on one (pvp) it can be up to the max amount of xtals that people use.

    Pvp has always cost more if you want the biggest advantage.

    The fact that you're asking about that, is weird because the knowledge of this game is that it'll cost you in no matter what. Ebs, ees or pvp. More you pay, more advantage you got.
  17. ioOz and Coml3y said it more succinctly than myself. EE and PvP are too different to expect a similar setup.

    Chz also brings up a good point. Someone else's willingness to spend money on the app shouldn't affect my decision. Why a player would want to pay more is beyond me. It's not the curiosity that is grating but the motive behind it.

    With all due respect, do you think that EE is more expensive than PvP? You have implied that you are forced to spend money on EE. I would assume that you're trying to make a point that a PvP system should charge RL money.
  18. @COML3Y. That's a really good point. If they pay money to do PvP already then I can see why they would want incentives. My question is moot.

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  19. It's not about a need - it's about relevance.