Question for co-founder Kenshi Arasaki

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sm0KeyNtHebANdIT, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. In an interview you gave in 2011 you said you wanted to build games that were thin veils over kickass chat clients. With nearly every clan in KAW needing to use 3rd party messenger apps to function in your game, does that mean you no longer care abt your chat client? Don't you think its about time for an upgrade? Or is there just no money in it?
  2. I dont think thats possible.
  3. He does not check this forum, nor would reply to this thread.

    And they have indeed created some very successful social applications, as what they deem this app to be.
  4. He's probably eating alphabet soup
  5. I don't see what u mean op, I can be social and chat with other people within this game without the use of third party apps.
  6. Run false quoting from someone is ban-able

  7. really? >.> ^
  8. He summarised op and added cat noises on the end?
    I don't see how that was harmful in anyway.
  9. Who cares dude . Really ....
  10. Boooo luck, go back to being a Cute Fairy.
  11. lolololol fail trolling must be banned.
  12. Trying hard to get mod I, I see.
  13. Meow meow. :lol: :lol:
  14. Woof.woof.
  15. The pig says moooooooo
  16. But what does the fox say?
  17. Clans don't HAVE to use 3rd party apps to be functional, it's a personal choice to communicate via other means.

    Secondly just how is mocking someone's quote a bannable offense? If the original quoted person doesn't like it, the mock quote can be amended by the poster or deleted by yours truly.

    I would say KAW is indeed quite a popular social game. Many players say their play is solely based on the social aspect of the game. So I honestly believe the co-founder accomplished what he set out to do.
  18. Piffity Puffity Pass!!!! :ugeek:
  19. for some reason it didn't take my bb code, even though it's correctly performed. How unfortunate :(
  20. That's odd. :eek: