Question about stripping.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xyu_Ua, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. Hi guys, quick question. If an attack build has zero gold out and he is not pinned, can you still steal from him?
  2. Also, to add to my question. Do spy d towers have an effect on it as well?
  3. I think if any build has no gold out you can't attck or steal I'm not sure
  4. And towers just give static defence like if your look on troops your defence is lower aswell but with towers it keeps it at a certain amount
  5. Look at the stickied thread called fight mechanics in the strategy section by bellemorte. It will answer the questions you have about each build type
  6. As long as troops stay at 20 percent or higher that attack build could be stolen from.
  7. Sora is correct. Summed it up in 1 easy to remember line.
  8. Not always true sora when dealing with zero gold out
  9. I only mention attack build and they can be stolen from with zero gold out.
  10. Oopsies.. Greatness is right. Derp.
  11. Well, I'm pretty sure you shouldnt steal from strippers who are pinned down. Thats pretty mean, considering the work they have to do to make money in the first place. As a general rule of thumb, dont touch strippers.
  12. Thank you for the information and link.

    Mod please lock this.
  13. Stripping is simple, just remove all of your cloths, and voila!
  14. Isn't there an art to it?
  15. There is a art to stripping ;)
  16. Locked as requested.
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