question about regen %

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by sub_cloud_chaser_ohm, May 5, 2013.

  1. My question is this me and my wife both play this. When we skim we both attack 4x assassinate 6x. I go to 84% att 83% spy. My regen to full is 10 minutes. At 5 min I go from 84 to 92 5 more min I hit 100% attack. For spy it goes 83 to 91 to 100%. Now this is where the problem is.

    My wife does 4x attack 6x assassinate. Hers goes both attack and spy to 83%. Her regens go attack 83 to 91 to 99. Spy is 83 to 91 to 100. Why does hers regen at a 1% loss on attack? We have 0'd her troops and it still regen that way. It causes a 15 min regen on troops. Anyone have a clue as to why it does that?
  2. Is she a Guild Hansel? If do a Circle of Elementals gives you one extra hit per unload, but takes longer to regen.
  3. Is your wife a hansel? If so is her only attack building a CoE? CoE gives an extra of one attack. This may be the cause
  4. At least one if the balanced buildings has a 70 min regen, rather than 65 iirc. If she's got a T5 balanced I believe she'll have a 70 min regen, which is why she's getting to 99% after 10 min while skimming. Unless I'm mistaken wulf has a thread with the full regen times of all buildings listed.
  5. I'm Hansel with 1 coe. she is ATT working on coe's but has some guilds to make gold.
  6. Still don't completely understand that but guess she can just skim from 99/100. Shouldn't make a terrible difference. Thanks anyways :)