Question about Quests.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXMAGNUSXx, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. Does anyone know if ally strength bonus is used during quests?
  2. Anyone know the answer?
  3. Dunno, probably not.
  4. I don't believe so
  5. I heard someone tested it and it does and I'd agree.
    Hansel managed to master every quest as a hansel build, yet I'm lc with only one guild and i can only beat the 60th/70 quest 1/5 times approx. There's no way that unless it counted he'd be able to beat the last quest 100 times unless he was super super lucky or took forever trying
  6. I am absolutely convinced allies matter as my quest success rate drops significantly when my ally stats are down. I have managed a better success rate with weaker attack stats so long as my ally stats are up. I have seen this argued both ways but without a definitive answer from the devs I am inclined to say yes, ally stats impact your success rate.