question about attack buildings for a hansel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SO__JUICE_RUSS__RA, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Instead of building a lvl 3 coe i built a lvl 1 t5 attack building. was this a mistake?
  2. At your stats, yes. You could have built 2 fully upgraded t4 for the same price. Wait until you're on your 37th land or so
  3. Quick addition, work on full t4 lowlands first before highlands
  4. The reason we say build a Coe is because its balanced, you get two extra hits each unload for having a balanced building (26 instead of 24)
  5. So lvl 3 coe is better better than lvl 1 colony?
  6. Yea as the colony is only lvl1 the lvl4 gives better stats.
  7. Lvl3* not lvl4
  8. No.

    Level 1 colony is better, but more expensive. Stats are better. Gawd…
  9. You get more plunder with the coe.
  10. Nvm haha, I thought he meant something else.