Question About Armplates

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BRIDE-OF-CHRIST, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Ok guys I recently got a ring in ToC helping one clan. When over I immediately went to help another with ToC and actually got the drop there as well which was armplates. So i actually ended up with back to back drops. Both are equipped. Ring shows up. Armplates don't. But I can equip and unequip both items. I am on Android and see no way to contact developers. I am currently a full hansel build. Any answers ir advice please? Thanks to all that took time to read, consider and respond to this post. God Bless You all and all of KaW in Jesus' Name! (Ps. Please do not tell me to leave my faith out of post. Respectfully,I will NEVER listen to that.- No matter what, my friends) ツ
  2. Kill app and restart it
  3. Shows its equipped on your wall
  4. It's equipped right now. Just restart app to see it.
  5. Take the jesus out of your post. Its damned disrespectful to the carpenter who built that damned cross
  6. Lol! Never dude! Jesus stays. And He wasn't the one who disrespected the carpenter. It was the Romans and the Jews and the carpenter himself who decided to misuse the carpenters God-given skills. King Jesus Christ Live Forever!!!! I REFUSE to be Ashamed of His Beloved Name ツ

    Lol! let's wait and see what people freak out over that! HILARIOUS!!!


    OMGOSH! THERE I GO AGAIN! DANG ME FOR MENTIONTIONING THE MIST AWESOME NAME EVER TO EXIST IN THE WORLD! OMYGOSH!!! THE WORLD IS GONNA END! I'VE KILLED THE WORLD. Hmmmm…everone's still here. Guess God resurrected you guys- like Jesus. Man, I guess God sure loves you cuz I thought you were all dead. Btw, I'm so glad you're not. The world is much, much better with you all in it. Thanks Lord Jesus for making such a wonderful worls with such wonderful Kawers in it! You are so Most Awesome Lord, in Jesus' Name, Amen. 

    OMGosh! Is that a Prayer in Jesus' Name in Forums? O no! We're all gonna burn. Dang! That Spirit of Fire!!!!! snh! Roflmbo!!!

    Lord Jesus, You are ok in the open with me. In Your precious Name Jesus Amen.

    (Biting Teeth) Spirit of Fire stop! I am such a punk I'm scared of what others think about Jesus in your post. What do I do?

    Lol! Chill bro. Have some lemonade.
  7. i have a question about they protect your armpits?
  8. no. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers shows us that armor, even well crafted, is vulnerable at the armpit and base of the neck.
  9. Thnx Love and Joey!!!!! I did what you guys said and it worked! I uninstalled. Shut down phone. Gave it a minute. Restarted Phone. Let Phone fully upstart. Redownloaded app. Restarted app. Checked profile. A bunxh of question marks in sheilds were where my equipment should show on my immediate prifile page. Slowly each question mark on a shild became an equipment item. And wahlah! Arm pit protectors!!!!! Lol! Just kidding. Arm plates gave now become visible. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! THANK YOU BOTH. SUCCESS!!!
  10.  Glad it worked