Questing with new Ebs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BeardedClam, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. I would like to see some new Quests for our spies, I mean the new ebs have been locked for troop only attacks so to xstal would be a waste. New Quests would also allow ppl to gain some nobs and xstals just like the original ones did. What do you guys think???

    @ Devs a place for us to burn our spies will/ should increase xstal sales since using them wouldn't be a waste with 1 bar still full.
  2. Yea that sound like a great idea
  3. i think kaw needs more quest because even the top one only gives me about 7 mil and it's a waste of troops, so i go and hit someone once and get farmed back
  4. Yeah why not!!
  5. Quests for Spies? how many of these threads are there now?
    At least this one has a decent argument...
  6. Good argument, but even as a spy build myself I cannot agree with this, spy builds and hansels already have too many bonuses that come with their build, quests for them would overpower them so much more
  7. Let me introduce you to the Battle List... :)
  8. This is not a decent argument. If you need to dump spies then find an inactive target and dump there.

    No need for more quests just for spy actions.